Big Sister, Little Sister

It’s a girl!

I’m pretty sure we’re the happiest family on earth right now. A little sister for Tuesday, another sweet girl for Bj and I, perfection. Born early in the morning after a very fast, but wonderful labor. Right into the water and my arms. Tuesday and Bj snuggled up watching. 6 lbs 14 ounces, 20 1/4 inches long. Our new wee little thing. We love her so. Lots more details to come, but we have snuggling to do.

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  1. A huge congratz to all 3 of you!Look forward to reading all about it & hearing her name. Enjoy these precious moments of being a little family of 4

  2. Awwww this is such a precious photo! I am so happy for you and your family! Congratulations on another beautiful, baby girl!! Enjoy this special time!

  3. pretty sure this is the sweetest photo ever. the pure joy and pride on tuesdays smiling face is just magical. (also, i think i’m going to need a copy of this please). enjoy those snuggles!

  4. I remember our conversation last September at the cook’s tour! I am so so happy for all of you. So glad everything went well. I’ll look forward to pix of her now growing up with her big sister. luv, mary lou

  5. So happy for you Amber, Bj and Tuesday.
    She’s adorable!
    Can’t wait to hear all the details.
    Enjoy these first few days.
    Is there any smell more wonderful than that of a newborn baby?
    Tuesday looks ecstatic…

  6. Two girls, hooray! You and I are totally soul-mamaโ€™s – I too have two girls, each born a month before your two girls!! Enjoy them and every moment โ€“ congratulations!! ๐Ÿ™‚

  7. Congratualtions! I am welcoming 3 new nephews this summer (a singleton and a set of twins)it’s nice to know there are little girls out there, too!

  8. Yay! Congratulations to you and your beautiful family of four! So so very happy for you!!!!

  9. Amber, BJ and Tuesday,
    Congratulations on your new addition. That’s the sweetest new baby photo we’ve ever seen!
    Allen and Julie

  10. So sweet and precious!! Congrats Amber, BJ and Tuesday. What a special little gift.

  11. Congratulations! So glad we are both snuggling our babes now. When did she come? Now I’m nursing reading your blog! This is such a sweet picture, I hope Tuesday is loving being a big sis. Ellery keeps snuggling her brother’s head, so adorable…

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