325% WHAT?

Am I used to the rain? Of course, but I knew we were getting a lot down here. Then last night on the news the weather man was like, “if you want to talk about a city really getting a lot more than usual take a look at Salem who has had 325% more than normal.” I was like, pause that dude, I have got to get a picture, that’s insane. Okay you know what is even crazier? Corvallis is flooding, and it’s happening right by my old place. I always wondered if Mary’s Creek would spill over into our townhouse because we lived right on the bank, but it didn’t go too close when we lived there. I’m going to send my field reporter Katie L. to the scene. Katie are you on it? She might have a hard time getting there since 34 is closed, and that’s what I took to get to my house. People told me when I lived there that in the floods of 1996 they had not actually flooded, but they were a little island and couldn’t go anywhere, crazy. Hopefully Katie will tell us what is really happening because that news report doesn’t give enough info. I wonder if the crew girlies are able to get to the barn to erg? I know there is no way they are going out on a flood stage river (debris is so horrible to navigate and it would be flowing too fast). I wish I still had a link to the river monitoring station that is right on the bridge by the boat house. When I was a coxswain I would check it whenever we had tons of rain to see what conditions would be like, but I deleted the bookmark and can’t find it now. Anyways, ya, we’re getting rain.

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  1. I’m in Corvallis!
    It’s still raining, though I do see a glimps of blue sky in the distance…the river is CRAZY high but 34 is open again (they opened it last night). My co-worker went out and took pictures yesterday but forgot his camera cord so he couldn’t put them on the computer. I might venture out later and take some photos myself and put them on my blog.
    Check the GT today for cool aerial photo – crazy! 🙂

  2. alp…in continuation of my newsreport via email…the girls are still erging- it has not come up that much as far as I know

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