Show and Tell part 3

Some more gifts I’ve been working on. This lap quilt for my mom. I loved the coin quilt Hillary did over at Wee Wonderful’s. This was hard just because we are always together!

I’m glad he liked them so much. I also made his mom a scrapbook of our Alaska trip and she liked it so much she cried!!! I felt so super happy that everyone liked their handmade gifts. I’m working on a pair of these for my little brother Taylor as we speak.

Here’s up close of one of the gloves:

And finally the hugest of projects was refinishing this ginormous chopping block for Bj. I got it at a yard sale for $15 dollars a couple years ago and it was covered in grim, and had been over oiled. Bill helped me get the feet off, and then I had it sanded front and back on an industrial belt sander. I scraped the sides, sanded them, and also sanded the feet. Then I put the feet back on and bleached the whole thing. I oiled it and there you go. One of these in stores would be like $250 so I’m really proud of this find. It’s huge, like 17″ by 26″ I’ll have to take a picture of it tonight on Bj’s counter!

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  1. The lap quilt is really beautiful. Awesome job! I think home made gifts are the best. 🙂 And that cutting board turned out fabulous. I’m sure BJ loved it! Hope you had a great xmas.

  2. amber~
    you are so the queen of knit/crochet. i bow at your feet, goddess of the needles/hook :o)
    see you soon, now that we’ve moved back to cancun corvallis…hope you had a merry christmas and awesome job on the gifts…that cutting board turned out really nice.

  3. This quilt is FAN-TAB-U-LOUS!!!!! I absolutely love it – you did such an awesome job! Your work is wonderful and I’m gonna spend some time reading your blog. Thanks for sharing and happy day!

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