Just some people I saw this weekend. 🙂
I get WAY too excited around babies. Ceara’s super awesome and adorable new nephew is NO exception. See my smile, it’s like OMG you are so cute I almost want to eat you, or steal you. I want one. Sigh. I guess he always has his hands up like that, even did it in the womb, I thought it was too cute.
What could be better than a baby? That would be Ceara!!! I love Ceara and since she lives in Arkansas (yes, Arkansas, like five kajillion miles from here) I do not get to see her enough. So we always get to do the jumpy huggy thing when we see each other, it’s great. She spent the night last night, and since Sciarrino’s here it was a real party (well except that Ceara was kinda on Central time). It was so great just to hang out with her and talk to her and… WATCH ER WITH HER!! That’s right people, the Amber Ceara ER duo was back for one night only. Ceara and I definitely bonded over this show in high school, and even all through collage we called each other after it was over to discuss, but mostly just to make sure we talked at least once a week. I’d drive down to Eugene or she’d come to Corvallis so we could watch it together, but it’s been like two years since the last joint viewing. So I TiVoed the episode for her and we watched Friday night. Perfection.

Oh Ceara is friggin hilarious. I just love her. And having her and Sciarrino together. My two best friends together it’s the best. Of course it was short and sweet, she’s leaving today so she can make it to work on Monday. I’m having breakfast with her tomorrow so I get to see her one more time.

In other news Sciarrino and I had a class with Ali Edwards today. It pretty much ROCKED MY SOCKS OFF. I love my album! I really hate when people get talked up and then they let you down, but I’m putting Ali with Madonna and Prince on the excellent performance scale – she did NOT disappoint. Really cool, easy to talk to and I was especially happy that she didn’t mind when Sciarrino and I went our own way a bit. It’s all good (as she says). And it was, all good. I really wished I would have signed up my mom to come with me, she would have loved it. I suggest if you have a mom (and like her) to take her to an Ali class. I think I would learn a ton about my mom if I had her do the homework… hmmm, mom you interested?
Ali rocks. And I do reccomend bringing Moms to these sorts of things. Ambers Mom, we should all go to a CKU together next year!!
Oh my babies babies! LOVE them! You so adorable holding that baby. Yes, Ali does rock. You look like you had a wonderful time with your friends. :o)
Check out Ali’s Blog – you got a mention!!!
Homework….? I haven’t done any in awhile but I could try. Taking a class would be fabulous!
Love Mom
Hee hee… that is the cutest pic of you and Ceara’s nephew! How happy do u look? hee hee Glad you had a good time hanging out w/ your girlies too. 🙂
You can’t tell us about Ali’s awesome class if you don’t post your awesome creations! 😉 That is a great pic of the 3 of u too.
Had a FABULOUS time with you too! It all ended too soon. Baby Z is just the cutest thing…can’t wait till I have one ;)and you! We could be preggers together, it would be fun! Can’t wait to see you again. Come to arkansas for spring break! Ya!