Making me happy:
–Hung up by Madonna, I’ve only listened to it about a million times already.
-My new place for favorite layouts:

-yes that is in my bathroom, another thing making me happy, it’s so clean:

-And if we’re talking clean check out my room:

Yo. I broke this frame that sat in that little metal holder, turns out it’s the perfect size for my slang cards, Sweet!

Grandma, Oprah so does not have a hidden love child, glad I won that bet, Buddah is very happy at my house.

My window seat, sometimes better known as the only place I get decent cell phone reception, “hold on I have to run over to the window seat!” Oh and check out that sky!

-My bed is making me happy right now. See I made that quilt for my little sister. It took me for freaking ever, and then when I was baby-sitting her I found it cramed in a closet. I was sad. But then I highjacked it for myself and I feel much better. I didn’t have a quilt for this bed and the white coverlet was so blah it was killing me.
-I finished a layout I love so much that I’m actually saving it for HOF entry (yes, last year kicked my ass, but I’m trying again, third time’s a charm).
-Sciarrino is coming on Sunday night! Maybe I’ll do some more artistic drawings of her exploits!
-Smallville and Ballet tonight!
Making me not so happy:
-Not picking Bj up at the airport tonight. It’s really for the best because his mom is in town and it just makes more sense for her to drive a short ways to get him then me a long ways in the dark (!)… but I love airport reunions. They have this magic heroic quality to them I think. Plus it reminds me of my best airport reunion ever: Coming back from camp summer 2002. Bj and I had been apart for months. I could not wait to see him and ran towards the waiting area. Bj had been working at a hardware/lumber place over the summer and got RIPPED. Plus he developed a skin condition that his doctor had him treat by going tanning (weird huh?). So he was tan, buff, oh and wearing a hoodie and backwards baseball cap. So ya, I like airport reunions.
-My spell check on typepad no longer works, what the?!?! I can’t spell, argh.
Your room and bathroom has very quirky shapes to it, I am loving it!!! Great quilt!
Perhaps you wouldn’t have argued so much with your mom when you were in highschool is your room would have always looked like that;)!
Love your blog – just found you off of twopeas…
I’m originally from Oregon too…
Added you to my favorites…
Have a great day.
HA!!! Love that you gambled buddah off of G-ma. lol You rocked that quilt – awesome! One of these days, I’m going to learn how to sew in a straight line. 🙂