This hurricane is so devastating, and I hate feeling helpless. There is a woman from the message board that I talk about a lot {2 peas} who lost everything, absolutely everything in the storm. A lot of companies are helping her rebuild her scrapbooking supply stock. In may not sound like something that important, but it is because it is something that will help her find peace. If she can get back to creating maybe she can find some normalcy in that. At least I hope so. So I had the Ribbon Jar make a contribution to her. In the gloomy days to come maybe this little jar of color will bring her some hope.

And now for inspiration. And just happy goodness. I’m sure I’m not the only one whose noticed this awesome row of towels at K mart, yum, yum, yum.

Yay Ribbon Jar. What a wonderful gesture. And, I LOVE your pictures of the towels. They do look yummy, don’t they?
very sweet idea. i am sure she will appreciate your kindness