Are you a certified geek? Then you know what I’m talking about. So this weekend was really nice. I got to have Bj here From Friday night until last night half way through Family Guy (haven’t watch that in a while and the beginning was so funny!). Saturday I actually worked on getting a lot of stuff done since Bj was out working and then Sunday I got to go cropping with Sue! It was so great to just be creative and hang out with girls while drinking Diet Coke! I also got to see Angela who I hadn’t seen in forever. I came back to Salem in the afternoon and Bj was detailing his old car because he’s going to sell it (a really clean 16 year old Accord, interested?). I couldn’t believe how good it looked so I had to pull mine up. Vacuumed the inside and did all the windows. I found some interesting stuff crammed in between the seats. Well candy mostly. 🙂 Then we chilled while watching one of our new favorite shows, The War at Home. Bj left just after nine and I stayed up until three working on a very cute project for eBay. Ahh it was a good weekend.
Got it. Cute!
i got it too. very cute.
OMG!! I totally need that shirt!!! It is hysterical!!!
That shirt is super funny! So was Family Guy by the way! I so love that show! Hoo-ray for your good weekend! Yea!
OK, I can’t be as geeky as I thought I was!!