Hello Independence. Or so my cookies said. Kinda funny, not like I look at Great Britain as any kind of enemy, quite the opposite actually. “It’s London Baby” (as Joey said on Friends). Fourth of July fireworks were great. We BBQed at my mom’s with Emilie, Sciarrino, Bj, Brent, a couple of his friends and Bill. Emilie and I made a yummy cobbler from some berries she picked from the yard. I have to post a picture of Emilie since her hair has been fixed and looks fab now:

My roommates were awesome too, of course. We made really cool cookies as I mentioned above. They were from a great sugar cookie recipe of Sciarrino’s grandmother. Didn’t get any pictures of those but here’s the roomies:

It was the perfect night. Not to hot not to cool. We headed to my dad’s after this to watch the fireworks that the Club House lets off since his place is further up the road on the hill and it has a great view. The fireworks were great and so was the company. We went to Paul and Megan’s after to let off a couple illegals. I just waved a dud sparkler as I am a big wimp. The rest held roman candles in the street:

Food must have been good… the plates were clean!