My baby, my G5, my favorite thing to stare out in the whole world… won’t turn on, ahhhhhhhhhhhh! Well I should say it turns on and then just does nothing. Now this was no big deal for me when I had a PC because that friggin happened all the time (hence the change), but now, no no no. Okay well it’s really no big deal because there are a few other computers in this house (Bj’s G4 and powerbook and my new iMac), but still, it’s a little unsettling. Beeg says he’s going to work on it first thing in the morning, so cross your fingers for me. Now onto my day:

I just have a little point and shoot so it’s not perfect, but hey.

Sorry Bj, I had to.
But he got to have fun on the rest of our drive. People, there is nothing like hearing bj sing to Gwen’s Hollerback Girls, “This shit is bananas, B-A-N-A-N-A-S” So funny, so cute. And I don’t even like that song that much (though it is growing on me). Bj was talking about some ric rac ribbon I’m getting and he calls it “wiggly ribbon.” I just loved that. Okay so then I looked down at my foot and realized that the toenails I had just painted had a little chip, bummer right? Well no actually take a look:

Bj says I should sell it on eBay as my lucky toenail (like this guy did after a football player steped on his foot and it turned all green and then he started winning poker everywhere). But I would rather my toenail stay on my foot.
So we did other stuff besides driving around (which was expensive, damn gas prices!!!). Bj got a PSP. After a few tries he ended up getting one at Target, where I scored some more cute stuff (the Salem one is way more stocked than the Albany one): mini strong magnets, colored staples (.99), and this cool accordion note holder (so going to embellish that). The best score of the day though, was at this way random place in Salem that I have had a gift certificate at forever (I am so bad at spending these, and I don’t know why). I never got around to going there, but Bj talked me into it (the catalogs had been in the back seat for like a year, oops). Anyway the place was freaking AWESOME (thanks uncle Brad and aunt Pam)! I’ll make some stuff with the assorted papers I got there and post them up later. Then of course I had to buy something I totally didn’t need (but I can justify it). I was getting my mom an armband (happy You’re Fabulous Day Mom!!) for her new iPod (Bj decided he didn’t actually need three). And I saw these right next to them, and well, you’ll see:

iPod socks!!!!! Holy Crapola. So much cuter than they looked online, so I just had to, and it comes with 6 so they match everything!
Hey Amber, concerning gas prices:
From the latest west coast figures (4/18/05) you guys are paying an average of $2.4/gallon. for gas.
In the UK we are paying £0.89/litre (that’s $1.70/litre) which equates to about $6.46/gallon.