Bj and I decided a quick day trip up to the mountain would be fun… We did not decide to stay up super late, get up again in a couple of hours and stay up for over THREE hours in the middle of the night however (that was Miss Sparkle Pants’ idea), so our tiredness …
Category Archives: Oregon
The loud, dirty, bright, fantastic fair
Tuesday is either teething and it's the worst thing ever, or she's not teething but it's still the worst thing ever. Nothing seems to make her happy, but her fever is gone. Poor girl. I'm going to back track a bit and catch up on some bits of life I missed telling you all about. …
Sweet Sundays
Today was a lovely day, much lovelier than the night that proceeded it. Let's just say me cutting out diet coke + giving Tuesday some solids does not make her sleep better, but much much worse. I knew the solids and sleep thing was a myth, as our doctor told us, but now I really …
Oh baby it's the beach! Bj got a surprise day off of work (he finished a project early), so we decided to head over to the coast for the day before the holiday crowds. I was so interested to see what Tuesday thought of it. At first it didn't seem she noticed much of anything. …
Sunny Day
It was a sunny Saturday today and Bj surprised me by taking me to the tulip fields in nearby Woodburn. It was windy but really really pretty. All those colors! I can’t wait until I have my own yard, I am going to plant it full of tulips in the fall, I mean what a …