This and That

I’ve been busy like I think most of you are this time of year. I’m so enjoying family time, and Tuesday’s reaction to everything Christmas (the lights! the tree! the presents!). The days seem to be going by quicker (and the super short amount of daylight doesn’t help!). I was happy to see my studio …

Autumn layout

I had a little help with this layout. Tuesday made the painting (bigger than this and I trimmed it down). I swore I took pictures of her stamping halved apples and smearing around paint with her fingers but I guess I didn’t. Ah sometimes the days run together, don’t they? ๐Ÿ™‚ This turned out pretty …

Artistic. Each in our own way

Tuesday and I have been being artistic lately. I need to get even more crafty, but that will require a holiday gift list. Right now we are just creating for who ever ๐Ÿ™‚ I found some sweet paper at an estate sale last summer so Tuesday is doing some fine artwork: I am completely enamored …


I’m loving this new app Bj got for his iPad. I think it’s called sketchbook pro. I really miss sketching. It’s something I did all the time in art classes in college. These are for my current obsession, scrapbooking. But I’m sure I’ll be experimenting with digital paintings soon.

I hope this isn’t too annoying

I am having serious trouble standing over my layouts and taking pictures of them straight on. Since my lovely daughter has been crazy beans lately and I haven’t a chance to re-take these shots, here are some not so great pictures of my layouts. Gosh I bet that really makes you want to read on …

Scraplifting, old school style

Actually when I first started scrapbooking I didn’t scraplift (copy the design or elements of an existing layout) at all. I just did whatever. Now that I have my own loose style I find it easier to look at other people’s work for inspiration and not loose my style in theirs. I pulled out my …

I can’t seem to stop myself…

Just a few more layouts to share. My sewing machine has been getting a little tune up and will be coming home tomorrow, so maybe I’ll switch it up and sew this weekend. But for now… An 8 1/2 by 11 landscape, totally mixing it up. Actually I stamped on a 12×12 piece of paper …