So I have been scrapbooking like a crazy fool! I’ve made 9 layouts in the last couple of days. Whoa. Considering I think I made like 9 layouts all of last year, I call this progress. I’m just so excited to start sorting my layouts into their new albums that I feel the need to …
Category Archives: Scrapbooking
When the stars align
Yesterday was our first anniversary. Thank goodness that year is over! Who knew it would be so insane, so crazy, sad, happy, confusing and everything in between. I really thought we would just throw all our stuff in the same house and everything would be happy go lucky. If you’ve read for a while you …
Gains and Losses
Today was my exact two week mark on my diet. I’m happy to report that I’ve lost a total of 8 pounds, or about a pound a week. I’m not happy to report that this would have been more but when ever Aunt Flo comes to visit she makes me eat like a friggin banshee. …
Ribbons and Pictures, Lots and Lots
Yesterday I ordered 1,860 4×6 photos and 40 5×7 photos. Oh my god! I still have six quarters to work my way through: the current one, last two of 2007, and three of 2006. Those six are going to have even more photos than the tiny amount of digital photos I took from 2003-early 2006. …
The Big Picture
So I said it before, but I’m taking a Big Picture Scrapbooking class, Stacy’s Library of Memories. It’s more of an organizing class than an actual scrapbooking class, but you have to organize your photos to scrapbook (I’m realizing). So it’s brought me face to face with my digital photo mess. Not really a mess, …
Three Years of all of this.
Today is my three year blog anniversary. So weird to think that three years ago I wrote this and put my pigtails out in the world. I don’t even really remember what started me on it. I have always journaled and kept track of my life, I think this really seemed like a great way …
Try this today!
Yesterday Brenda received a little package of goodies I sent her when we did a small swap with each other. She posted about it over on her blog and made a point of mentioning the envelop I put a little note in. When I was cleaning up the craft studio I decided to get rid …
Girly Layouts
Wouldn’t you know it a clean studio = more creative energy! While listening to the first audio message for my big picture scrapbooking class I worked on these two layouts:Remember I take pictures of my layouts instead of scranning (stitching a 12×12, hate it), so they may look a little funky sometimes (this is me …
weight loss by scrapbooking? I wish.
So it’s been just over a month that I’ve been rocking the low calorie diet. And worked out a whole one time. I know, I know, but I just hate it. I do want to go on more walks. Tracy are you reading this? Come on neighbor lets get our butts in gear! It’s nice …
The Craft Studio – Version 2.1.0
So last night Bj and I bit the bullet and ordered ourselves real furniture for the living room. Right now we have a pink sofa and big comfy chair that has been passed down through my family. I don’t really mind it, but for some one as tall as Bj it’s not the most comfortable …