Tulips, again

A perennial favorite (Wooden Shoe Tulip Festival). First way back in 2006 (by the way I totally thought he was going to propose that day. And also, whoa, I’ve been blogging for 8 years?!?!). The day I took the positive pregnancy test (that turned out to be Tuesday) in 2008 (also that closet is now stairs to our second floor). The first time I took Tuesday in 2010, and the last time I went in 2011. Oh time you crazy thing.

Two girls.

It was super sunny today and we loved it.

This is pre fall in the mud puddle.

This is post fall in the mud puddle. Bj was showing her a funny way to walk to try and coax her back up through the fields. He’s so great… his powers were not quite great enough for me to get a picture of Bennet in her Nana made dress in front of the flowers. But he did try to get her all smiley.

Hahaha, she’s such a crazy happy little thing.

Family photo! We’re thinking about getting those Queen of Night tulips (left side, dark purple) to mix with our other purple tulips in front of the picket fence. But I’m debating, they might be too dark… thoughts?
I’ll leave you with this:

Tuesday happy as can be just playing on this tube slide over and over. We were at the festival over an hour before she agreed to go walk among the flowers!

The Bear Sweatsuit

The I can’t help myself, this is too cute suit!
micro fleece bear sweatsuit
Um, ya. I just want to eat her up! I started with this vintage pattern:

Simplicity 9738  from 1980 (the year I was born!) I’ve been sewing with knits… a lot!

This is a micro fleece from Jo-Ann’s (I could make a couple dozen of these, I went a wee bit crazy on Black Friday). Yes, fleece is a knit material (choose your needles accordingly!).

The only place I varied from the pattern was with the hood. When I was putting it on I realized that it would gape a bit around my small headed baby’s head. And it wasn’t lined, so I figured out how to line it. Now, I had already done the front hemming (is that the right word here?) on the edge of the hood so I couldn’t didn’t want to pick it apart to neatly add in the lining. Since knits don’t fray I just cut it really close and sewed right on the edge. It worked. I figured out how to line a hood myself (I am very proud of this!). I also left off the drawstring on the sweatshirt. Because… a drawstring on a baby sweatshirt? I don’t think that’s such a good idea, do you?

Look at those ears, awe… She wore this all the time in Alaska. It is big, so it’s perfect for layering. The pants pattern are almost a spot on match for a North Face pair we have, and were pretty easy. I think the cuff makes them look more professional. I made another pair of the pants in a size 2 for Maddie, and simple boot cut style joggins for Tuesday and Chloe so they would all have matching pants. This was super important to me to do before we left for our trip for some reason and yet… not a single photo of them all in their pants. And even though I made Chloe’s extra long that girl has LEGS and the pants fit her for about a week. So you can just imagine how cute and snuggly four girls in this micro fleece looked.

YAWN. Enough about this outfit mom.

Rag Curls

Tuesday has been into hair dressing lately. The librarians remembered her because her request for a “book about how they really do things at the hair dressers” is a bit of a unique request. She had to make it a few times because the first book we took home was, “not real enough”. We brought home three good books this time. A silly one: Does a Yak Get a Haircut, a historical one: Big Wig (this has terrible reviews, mostly because it is NOT ACCURATE. My four year old sure thought it was funny though), and a haircare one: Hair Styling Tips for Girls.
Reading through the books got us talking about different kinds of hair. Tuesday saw that curlers can curl your hair, and asked me if we could do that. I mentioned that my mom put rags in my hair to give me curls all the time growing up (I had serious curly hair envy). She also did pin curls (a la Shirley Temple), but I mentioned the rag curls because I thought she wouldn’t mind sleeping on them. The pin curls can pinch a bit. So my mom came over and put in Tuesday’s first rags!

It was really so, so sweet. She loved it too. I have a hard time when Tuesday comes up to me after putting on lip gloss (she’s an addict) and asks, “do I look pretty?”. AHHHHH! I usually say, “Do you feel pretty? If you feel good that’s all that matters.” I don’t want her to “do” her hair because she wants to please anyone but herself, and I did tell her as much (in a way I can to a four year old). I think this is just something so fun and I remember loving it so much.

She bounded in the room in the morning so excited! A few came out in the back while she slept, but overall they turned out great. In case you want to try it we don’t do the wet hair method. This is simply clean, dried (can be a little damp), hair wrapped around a strip of fabric that’s tied to hold it in place. They don’t have to be tight. When I take out the rags I run my fingers through her hair to break up the curls a bit. I’m sure we’ll be doing this again, and I’ll take pictures with my actual camera! And I should track down an old picture of me with curly hair. My mom did it for me even through high school! Thanks mom!

Eight Months

Eight months, oh my.

Easy pictures of Miss Bennet are out the window. She is moving, moving, moving!

I tried to get her to hold still with this toy, but it lasted for about 4.5 seconds, she’s on to me!

Here is the one laying down picture I got to compare with the other months. No, it’s not her whole body, this was as close as I could get. Next month I’m getting help for sure, it was a bit risky on the bed!

Tuesday wanted a picture of them together:

It’s in black and white so your eyes are not forever damaged by the hot (HOT) pink sweatsuit Tuesday had me make her.
I don’t have a huge list of things to say about Bennet. I didn’t even write anything down milestone-wise in her calendar last month. Mostly because she just more of everything: cuter, happier, faster. More interested in the world, babbling more, playing more.
Sleeping less…
Still such a lovely, and these girls together. Oh my I can hardly stand it, so freaking adorable! Every morning Bennet wakes me up, and Tuesday usually comes in with sweet words and a good morning hug for her sister. I love it. I might love it a little bit more if I had some sleep, but I still love it.
7 months6 months5 months4 months3 months, 2 months, 1 month.

Just like that the links are gone

And we’re off to Alaska this evening! Oh my goodness, just me and the girls. Coming off mega colds all three of us. And of course Bennet is teething like CA-RAZY.

I have snacks, and teethers, and sticker books, and extra clothes (hmm maybe I should toss in an extra shirt for me…). I am going to try and blog from up there, more so that I can remember the trip more than anything. I have always brought scrapbooks to work on while I’m up there, but it didn’t happen this time. So wish me luck… and I hope you’re not on our flight, ha!

Seven Months

Oh goodness here we go…

It is so dark here, so so dark. Lots of people are getting bright white snow, while we get lots of dark clouds and rain! I waited a few days but this was the best I could get!

In my face, up close, and personal. She’s so quick!

Why is your hand there mama? Are you scared I might go over the edge of the bed? (oh hey, I just realized this cup has a seven on it…. I mean I totally did that on purpose!)

Is there something over there, maybe I should find out…
Man can this girl move. I tell people that she is seven months and they say, “seven months?!?” Ya, she’s super tiny (almost 13 lbs) and cruising all over the place. Up on furniture in a flash, starting to crawl up steps, it’s crazy town! We had playdates with other babies and she was all up in their face, grabbed all their toys and then scooted away. Little meanie.

She’s keeps doing great with the potty. I have to be honest when she goes in her diaper I would say 80% of the time I knew it was going to happen and for some reason I couldn’t get to her in time (with Tuesday, in the car, didn’t get to her as soon as she woke up, etc.). My friend came over with some cute homemade trainers so I thought I’d try to make some real quick… more on that later. Basically EC rocks and I have a whole post planned about it (in my head of course).
Other Bennet news:
she screams, like she has a happy squeal and then an I’m mad (or I want to be louder than you Tuesday) scream.
she also has more noises that sound like she’s trying to talk
hold her upside down and she laughs and laughs
still spitting up, not as bad
no solids yet, I don’t think she’s quite ready yet
no teeth, and we have a long flight coming up, so I’d guess they come through that day and make it a real interesting time for everyone on the plane
6 months5 months4 months3 months, 2 months, 1 month.

Rainbow Rice, so easy, so awesome

how to make rainbow rice
We took this bin to the playground and it was the most popular thing there.
Skip the food coloring/rubbing alcohol yuckiness.
In a big ziplock – rice + liquid watercolor, just shake it. Dries almost instantly.
I’m blogging with minimal words this February. I’d love to see snippets of your life in photos too, please leave me a link in the comments.