I’m blogging with minimal words this February. I’d love to see snippets of your life in photos too, please leave me a link in the comments.
Category Archives: Family Life
You know I’m going to walk before you’re ready.
I’m blogging with minimal words this February. I’d love to see snippets of your life in photos too, please leave me a link in the comments.
Here she comes
I’m blogging with minimal words this February. I’d love to see snippets of your life in photos too, please leave me a link in the comments.
February in Pictures
I’m planning on spending my February in this space much like I did in September, with photos. I loved that little project and I’ve convinced two of my friends to join me this go around: Tracy and Kristen (for those following from way back, two of my crew girls). I’d love it if you joined …
What we’ve been up to
Re-organizing (it has to get worse before it gets better): Getting Bennet out of the hammock meant moving the crib into our room (since she still wakes up so many times at night): She does sleep in there, and I think she’s finally starting to not miss the hammock so much. Going for walks in …
Six Months
Half a year. Oh I love this girl. Looks much like last month. But oh how things have changed! The biggest thing is the moving. She’s moving! I was going to say scooting all over and rocking back and forth and trying to crawl. But I can’t. Because today, at 6 months and 1 day, …
Car Party for a four year old (not “Cars”)
So Tuesday wanted a car party. A car party? Well she originally said she wanted her friends to bring over their tricycles and bikes, but I explained that would be hard to do in the winter. So we settled on smaller modes of transport, little cars! I didn’t really plan much until the week before …
Continue reading “Car Party for a four year old (not “Cars”)”
And here’s to four
Oh my sweet “baby girl” is four! I can’t quite believe it! She requested a green shirt with a green four, so of course mama had to deliver. I traced a hand drawn one of fabric so it was more like the “4” she is learning. A tiny bit of interfacing on the back of …
What can I say?
We’ve been busy. Holidays, travel, the baby isn’t sleeping and is teething and trying to kill me by sleep deprivation. You know, the usual. Be back soon ish maybe, if I ever get to use my computer again…
Five Months
The last month seemed the longest and quickest at the same time. So much to do, so many fun things, so many people to see. Even though it was a nice long month, I still can’t quite believe that she is five months already! I really remember this time last year, the uncertainty, not telling …