I probably won’t be blogging for a week, unless the "spotty Internet on the island" comes through for me. That’s right Bj and I are headed to North Carolina. We’re still going to Learnfest. It is a bit crazy. Grandpa was super sweet last night when Bj went to hang out with him at the …
Category Archives: Family Life
Much Better
And suddenly not so bad! Grandpa was just moved out of the ICU. He’s still got a nasty cough, but off most of the monitors. He’s getting a rub down to get the iodine off his skin, and getting the first shave in a week (grandpa: “I look like a god damn bum!”). So Bj …
Master Disaster
Oh blog, I’ve been avoiding you. I love cheery little posts and things of that nature. It seems that things have been getting a wee bit out of control over here. Grandpa, remodel, even knitting = problems. First up grandpa. He was recovering from his hip replacement fine for a few days, we knew he …
On to recovery road
Grandpa made it through surgery great. Afterwards he said, “I think I was mislead about this thing, my hip really hurts.” Only grandpa would complain that he didn’t feel 100% three hours after a major operation.
Mr. Jiffy Pop went into surgery a half hour ago. The cap is to keep him warm. He was in good spirits despite being “starved and kept in a bed for 100 hours.” Things look good for the hip replacement.
All the little pieces
Before you think I’m some wonder-woman-pregnant-hospital-camp-outer I had to share all the things that have made me walk away from the break-down edge (which is easy to get to when you have HORMONES). Last night after a long day I realized that my lovely friend Kathy had dropped off all these yummy veggies from her …
“What’s that?” “I think those are peaches.” He tastes them, “No those are canned peaches.” My mistake. Just met with doctor. If his levels are good enough surgery will be tomorrow, and it’s a doctor we know. Here’s hoping his blood work cooporates.
The View
This is the view out grandpa’s hospital room (if you lean over and to the right). It’s early (for me) but yesterday telling them we wanted to be called before doctors did rounds didn’t work so I’m trying the wait it out meathod. Grandpa and his roommate are sleeping so I’m going to knit. Thanks …
Move It
It’s 4:43. I have an appointment in 3.5 hours. I want to sleep so bad I can taste it. Finally moving to a room.
Broken Up About It.
Awe man grandpa’s hip is broken. The good news? I got him to take morphine… after I assured him it didn’t come from Afganistan drug lords. I’m in the hall. It’s 2am and I don’t need visions of grandpa getting a catheter in my head before I sleep. Hearing him get it is bad enough. …