Plus three nursing breaks equals one happy baby (and mama)! We love chatting it up in the mornings 🙂 Now I’m just waiting for the bomb to drop… she no longer poops in the middle of the night, which makes that first diaper a little scary.
Category Archives: Family Life
Bouncy bouncy
That is the only reason I am posting right now… because I'm sitting on an exercise ball and wearing Tuesday, which I don't mind at all. She has been like this a lot: Pick me up, pick me up (I think she might also be saying, "knit me a hat that fits!" since she is …
In case you think I’m doing it all…
I am so not. The craft den is turning into a holy disaster: My wanting built in cabinets in here (and ah curtains) might go from a want to a NEED. I have to keep all this space on the floor open for crazy baby paraphernalia. I should put this on flickr and add notes …
Go it alone
Today Tuesday and I had a big adventure – we went shopping alone! Not just a little dash in either. It was a bit of work and involved a few breaks – nursing and a diaper change, but we did it! She totally rocked today: Had to get some more changing table pictures of her …
The last few days have been all about baby holding. Bj's mom came to visit and nana was a big hit (nap time for mama!). Sarah (I just looked at her blog, duplicate entry 🙂 came over on Saturday and we had a so much fun visiting, eating cake, and going on a walk. …
Even more knitting madness
So today I had over a group of my mom's friends that we've known for a long time. Of course I wanted Tuesday to look her best so I asked Bj what she should wear. Her little dress, he said. But as I mentioned on the last post finding cool little tights hasn't been easy. …
The knitter in me can’t help herself.
Tuesday is briefly letting me off the hook, I just laid her down (about 15 minutes ago so she should be ready to hang out again any second now… just kidding I've got Enya blasting). I have a sure fire way to get her to conk out, if ever so briefly: swaddle her, plop her …
Princess Sparkly Pants get in her groove
Yesterday Tuesday did so great. My little bird, Bj and I went to my mom's to watch the Superbowl eat snacks and watch commercials. Bill, his mom and my step brother Taylor were also there so I had to take advantage of baby holding. It got a couple laughs but I brought the little sweater …
Enya Rocks?
Let's not talk about how this picture was taken at 2:30 a.m. We had a letter to drop off at the post office so we thought we do it in the middle of the night… oh and she would not stop crying! I'd like to say this worked, but as soon as we laid her …
Be Happy.
Okay I don't really know what worked. It was probably a combination of things, but yesterday went well and last night was great. It's funny because I tell people she doesn't sleep, then have visitors and she sleeps! Yeah for visitors, keep them coming (if nothing else they can hold Tuesday so I can eat …