Bj didn't get the number thing so I thought I'd clarify. I'm trying to do a month's worth of posts (30) everyday. Maybe I'll get to fifty, who knows. I like not having to come up with a title. Last night was rough again. And today didn't start out much better. It's bad when she …
Category Archives: Family Life
Father's Day! Oh my goodness is that crazy or what? I have to say it was only in my wildest dreams when I first met Bj that I thought we'd be celebrating a wonderful day like today. It's cliche to say, but Bj really is a fabulous father. He is being so great right now …
Tuesday and I had another great day today. Bj spent the day playing softball for a charity tournament, so Tuesday and I spent most of the day in the company of my mom, with visits by nana and pops (who are headed to southern California), and gramps (no pictures because we'll see him tomorrow for …
Today Tuesday and I had a fabulous day visiting with friends in Corvallis. We had to go down there because little miss sparkle pants has outgrown her size 0 diapers! These were the first we put on her, folded down to be out of the way of her umbilical stub. They have been a bit …
Daily Posts
I have decided that lack of sleep has put a little bit of a shadow over things. I want to embrace all the tiny wonderful things that Tuesday is doing and keep track of what I am up to as well. They may not be the most exciting posts but I am going to try …
Sleeping – and not sleeping
The main reason for not blogging has been the whole having a baby and not getting much free time really. Nothing more exciting than that. Tuesday and I have been trying to figure out when and how she sleeps best and the results are still up in the air, which means neither one of us …
Mobile Blogging
Besides the text sometimes coming out wonky I love being able to instantly post photos from my phone. I’ve been back through them recently and often forget about the little moments I was trying to capture. This is from our drive yesterday. I think I need to make this girl a baby friendly scrapbook, she …
Argh, the second time making this post, darn you internet and your weak signal! So this last week Tutu and I have been hanging out with lots of our friends big and small. At the beginning of the week we got together all of the Capricorn babies (all born with in two weeks of each …
Hands down I had an awesome weekend. We didn't go anywhere but we did have lots of fun. Starting on Saturday when I went thrifting. That's right, Sciarrino and I were back up to our old tricks. I thawed some of my milk, left Tutu with Bj and headed out early. I didn't have any …
Making Tuesday Look HUGE
Are these two little peanuts: Karen's beautiful twin (fraternal) girls. On the left is Kourtney, on the right Kathryn. Tuesday and I spent yesterday over there "helping out" I use that term loosely, though I did bring food. My almost, but not quite 12 pounder is such a big bright eyed baby now! I notice …