Bj didn't get the number thing so I thought I'd clarify. I'm trying to do a month's worth of posts (30) everyday. Maybe I'll get to fifty, who knows. I like not having to come up with a title. Last night was rough again. And today didn't start out much better. It's bad when she …


Tuesday and I had another great day today. Bj spent the day playing softball for a charity tournament, so Tuesday and I spent most of the day in the company of my mom, with visits by nana and pops (who are headed to southern California), and gramps (no pictures because we'll see him tomorrow for …


Today Tuesday and I had a fabulous day visiting with friends in Corvallis. We had to go down there because little miss sparkle pants has outgrown her size 0 diapers! These were the first we put on her, folded down to be out of the way of her umbilical stub. They have been a bit …