I have a few separate posts planned about our trip, but first a pictorial overview. Kenai Lake (good thing you posted the name of it on your blog Carmen!) Carmen and I on kayaks, first time, I loved it! Carmen and Chloe, me and Tutu. Early morning train ride, sunglasses for the sunrise (it was …
Category Archives: Family Life
Seven Months
Oh my sweet, sweet baby I can't believe you are seven months old (yesterday). Time really has flown by. Everyones says it will, but it's not until you're uploading a couple of years worth of pictures from your iPhone and each one passes for a millisecond that you really realize it. I had to do …
You win some, you loose some
Winning: Sleepy time in the toddler seat. That's right after 6.5 months in the bassinet I finally caved and put the toddler seat on the stroller. It's still a little big, as you can see my little worm managed to get her arm out while walking. But the sunshade is much better, and I can …
Happy Day
It’s a sun shiney day here. Kisses from Tuesday!
All new sleep methods
Bj and I have been having fun putting Tuesday to sleep lately. You read that correctly, FUN. We’ve instituted family quiet time up in her room before bed and she loves it. I love it. Bj loves it. We play with little bells, a xylophone, and other favorite toys. We also read her at least …
not lettuce
Bj made delicious panini for dinner last night. I wanted to tell him job well done: Me: "Bj these are so good, I would have never thought to put cabbage on here." Bj: "I didn't use cabbage this is your organic lettuce." Me: "I'm pretty sure this is cabbage." Bj takes a bite, "Well where …
Unexpected Thrifting
This morning was going to be a sweet sleep in day today, but it just did not happen, so I rang up Sciarrino and we went thrifting. First we walked to a sale I had been to earlier in the week, on day two of the sale (I missed day one because they added Thursday …
Happy and Shinny!
It is really heating up here in more ways than one… First of all the temperature has been hotter than ever – into the 90s. Hot weather calls for awesomely cute little outfits. Tutu wore this little number from my friend Stacy: Doesn't she look cute? Thanks again Stacy we love it. Funny thing though, …
In the craziness that is the universe my incredibly cute and tiny god daughter turned into a cute and slightly larger person this weekend, she turned three! I can not believe it, I mean I can, but boy, oh boy did that go quickly. Little Miss Sweet as Pie decided to she wanted to come …
Feeling the love
Today was a busy day. Tuesday and I got up early (but luckily not as early as yesterday!). We decided to head downtown with my mom to hit up the street fair and get some yummy food. Then we went on a super awesome mission to get my new machine (that's right – Tutu came …