“Mama did you know this whole drawer is full of Tuesday sized papers and cards?!?!?” Dang I knew she’d figure that out eventually. At least she didn’t open the one on left full of tiny things and sharp things!
Category Archives: Family Life
My little seal
Well Tuesday decided that it just was not fair papa was getting all the attention, so the same night we were in the emergency room she went and got croup! I called the advice nurse at five AM and was like, "um my daughter sounds possessed…" Guess what that bark is called croup, who knew …
Safety Tip for the Season
Bj would like to remind you to get a buddy to hold your ladder. Three hours in the emergency room and four staples later… Plus I'm guessing one major headache tomorrow. The doctor told me to wake him up a couple of times in the middle of the night. I'm like, "oh we have …
Tutu @ 11 months
Turning eleven months has not been easy for my dear sweet Tuesday. Most of the day today she looked like this: Poor thing had the roughest night ever last night. For a grand total of two hours of alone sleeping, or really deep sleep. The rest was restless nursing, back patting, rocking, swaying and …
Hawaii day 6
Tutu continues her bout with teething. I continue my bout with not sleeping. But I wanted to share some more photos of my trip, before the spirit of Aloha completely gets replaced by the spirit of Christmas. nursing on the beach… hello best place to nurse ever. Yes please. check out the reflection in …
Night Time Baby
Taken after the fifth waking tonight. Poor little sparkle pants is teething something terrible. It's only just midnight. No time for mama to do anything crafty. But I want to remember Late nights just us, snuggled up and happy getting milky. Coming to the crib, barely awake Tutu hardly making a sound, just lifting up …
Tryptophan Myth
Or “What we are doing at 1:27 AM” Everything is making her crazy giggly happy excited. I’m just trying not to fall asleep.
Her First Thanksgiving
(I think this says, "I've got them right where I want them.") I pulled a mama card today and handed over all feast making duties to Bj. This turned out to be a wonderful idea since Tuesday did not want to rest at all and wanted lots of mama cuddles and turns out Bj can …
This last weekend I had a fun craft day. Even though I didn't finish much it was nice to get the creative energy flowing. Erin was sweet and brought Tuesday some homemade applesauce. I thought I would post a little pictorial thank you: "Mama, must you always take pictures of me?" "That's okay …
Tuesday loves hanging out with her buddies. We need to go on more walks with William and his mama, it's easy for me to stay in the house. Yesterday we did get out, so I snapped a picture of the kids: This is when they were only about a month old (William is a …