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Category Archives: Family Life
Week in the Life—Monday
9:47am 9:49am 10:20am 11:22am 1:31pm 2:03pm 4:33pm 5:25pm 5:26pm 6:21pm 8:33pm 10:40pm
Christmas for the grandparents – take two
Earlier this year Bj’s parents “cashed in” their photo shoot with Tuesday. Well at the end of last month my mom and step dad did the same thing. We met up outside our beautiful capital in the lovely little grounds that were littered with fluffy pink blossoms. It was brighter than I had anticipated, but …
Continue reading “Christmas for the grandparents – take two”
Toddle through the tulips
My neighbor and I took our little ones to the tulip festival today. I had to go after seeing the wonderful pictures on Alicia’s blog. I told my mom I was going and she said, “the last time you went you came back with a stick!” I was like, “what?” Yes, she’s right though. The …
Usually I have no excuse for forgetting to blog for a few days, but right now I do. In the Bj-just-can’t-get-a-break category he is away attending a funeral… times two. His maternal grandpa has been fighting throat cancer (note: if you smoke look this up, maybe you will finally quit—it’s terrible!) and lost the battle …
For the girl with the most energy
Tuesday seems to have the most energy of anyone in this household. Thank you for all your well wishes, Bj seems to be on the mend, but still has to get checked up on (again). He is mighty sore, as you can imagine, so, sadly, the little bits of sun we had did not result …
Oh man, Bj is the worst at telling me when something goes wrong. THE WORST. I love him but, well take a look at a conversation that we had earlier today: phone call from Bj a half hour before he is supposed to catch a flight home (he flies to Seattle to go to meetings …
Planned Outage
The other day I came home to this on the door: And I was like, oh that’s okay, I can handle that…. and then I remembered that my daughter can not sleep without a fan and we were out of here! Luckily my mom lives close by so we got to hang out at her …
14 months and you are…
You are making this very serious scowling face that we are not such fans of… but it is usually followed by laughter so maybe it's just toddler humor we don't understand? You are very talkative. Babbling day (and night). Speaking of night: you usually only nurse once a night now, but you might get …
Girl plus Food
Tuesday has been hilarious in the eating department lately. At least I find her very amusing. She can be very dramatic. Here she is waiting for dinner at my mom’s. “Ohhh grandma are you fixing me dinner?” “I can’t wait feed me now I might die!” “Do not make fun of my hunger.” Distracted. Thanks …