The next big adventure

So last weekend we took Tuesday to the pumpkin patch. We met up with a couple of friends: Karen’s lovely funny girls… and Karen, of course. This is as close as I got to all three toddlers together… FAIL! 🙂 Tuesday picked this pumpkin. Whenever we walk up to the house she does this little …

Artistic. Each in our own way

Tuesday and I have been being artistic lately. I need to get even more crafty, but that will require a holiday gift list. Right now we are just creating for who ever 🙂 I found some sweet paper at an estate sale last summer so Tuesday is doing some fine artwork: I am completely enamored …

Party like it’s 1980

Last night my wonderful husband threw me the best party of my life. I told him I wanted a backyard party with BBQ burritos and our friend’s band playing. The rest was up to him. He went crazy and almost all my friends came, it was brilliant. The set up for the band: Jettison Bend. …

That speedy thing called summer

Well, we got a decidedly late summer start here and I’ve had no desire to welcome fall anytime soon. With temperatures looking high into the next week I don’t think I’ll have to. We have not necessarily been super busy, just having a good time loving life. Helping this is the fact that I really …

A year in a half of Tuesday

Oh sweet Tuesday, how much do I love this girl? A lot! At 18 months she: -Says two words “yes” and “dirt” we have been outside in the yard a lot lately, obviously. -She also has this questioning sound she makes, like a “huh?” but way cuter. I must get this on video, she does …

We are

Dealing with some serious heat. Not getting enough sleep. Hoping our plants that were laid our in the yard today survive the weather. Learning new signs. Not spending any time on the computer. Swimming. Waiting for phone calls. Staining our teeth with fresh cherries. Wearing big girl undies everywhere we go. Eating BBQ leftovers… And …