What can an (almost) two year old get out of Disneyland?

So we took Tuesday to Disneyland for her second birthday…. Yes, yes, we took an almost two year old to the “greatest place on earth.” Now I know right up front that not everyone is a huge Disney fan, that’s totally fine because honestly I’m not that into Disney myself. Tuesday doesn’t watch any TV …

And… begin!

Hello! Miss me? Because I certainly missed blogging. I have been so focused on this; my new site. Things like this are always more work than they look to be, at least I think so. I figured branding, new site, business cards, PDFs, care guides, contracts, piece of cake! Well the jokes on me. I’ve …

The daugther of a photographer never gets a break

Sorry baby girl, I just can’t help myself. You are too cute, and I can always use the practice. Don’t be afraid of letting me into your house (messy or not!). Promise I’ll find somewhere to get a good capture. I had an outdoor shoot today and I think it was my last of the …

Autumn layout

I had a little help with this layout. Tuesday made the painting (bigger than this and I trimmed it down). I swore I took pictures of her stamping halved apples and smearing around paint with her fingers but I guess I didn’t. Ah sometimes the days run together, don’t they? 🙂 This turned out pretty …

Public Service Announcement.

Hey, guess what? You’re not supposed to put babies and toddlers in a bath with grown up bubble bath. I know what you’re thinking, no bubbles, that’s so sad! You know what’s more sad? Your 22 month old clutching you while she pees because she has a UTI. I thought that was something that only …