Joining in on Amanda’s this moment project. A moment from the last week. A slice of life. (Just found this on Tuesday’s camera. She was snapping pictures of Maddie in the backseat while we were in Alaska. Love it.)
Category Archives: Family Life
This Moment
Joining in on Amanda’s this moment project. A moment from the last week. A slice of life.
This Moment
Joining in on Amanda’s this moment project. A moment from the last week. A slice of life.
This Moment
Joining in on Amanda’s this moment project. A moment from the last week. A slice of life.
Disneyland… The scariest place on earth
Oh my goodness me. Well Disneyland was nothing like the easy, fun, relaxed vacation we had last year. Oh no. I think it was a whole combination of things, but mostly she’s just changed and now Disneyland seems huge, overwhelming and full of many dark, loud, scary things. Last year the colors, lights and people …
The Three Year Old.
I followed this link and asked Tuesday some questions on her birthday. Love the answers, I think I’m going to do as the blogger suggests and pre-make a mini for Tuesday’s questions up through 18 so it’s easy to pull out each year. I also want to video her answering the questions (some of which …
Ok, here is the after
She is so proud of her first haircut. Her nana (Bj’s mom, retired professional hairdresser) cut it for her on the second day of the new year. I think nana’s been counting the days until she could cut her hair! And it’s so perfect, she really just trimmed off all those baby wisps that kept …
This Moment
Joining in on Amanda’s this moment project. A moment from the last week. A slice of life.
We’re only through family celebration one of three, so you can see why I’m loving to linger over Christmas lights a little longer. I love the tree this year, and because we didn’t get it decorated until the 21st I want to keep it up a lot longer. Sciarrino gifted me some beautiful vintage ornaments …
Holiday Joy
Managed to finish this holiday ensemble right before we left for the nutcracker last night. She loved it. So much to be thankful for this year, but family tops the list. Off to enjoy them some more… as soon as those lazies get out of bed! Happy holidays to you and yours! Kisses to you …