Oh, P.S. I’m selling my Stiletto font that came with my Black Squeeze, since I had to have the skinni mini Studio set, I figured I didn’t need this one. It’s on eBay, I started it at 9.99 and it will probably go pretty cheap beacuse I don’t have the cardboard envelope packaging for it, …
Category Archives: Everything Else
Yarn is Yummy
Um so I got this yarn, no project planned, but I had to have it right? Hand dyed from New Zealand. I also fell in love with Cascade 220. It’s so cheap, like 6.60 for 220 yards, ridiculous for such nice yarn. Can’t tell you want I’m using it for, but it’s knitting up really …
Oh crap, now this has to be a long one.
Yes, I waited too long to blog. Bad Amber. Where to start? Something funny perhaps? This is looking out the front windows in my house. See that car up there (you can click on the picture to blow it up)? Ya, that is about four feet up into my neighbor’s yard. Here is the interesting …
Special Collections
Tell me what you thing about these pretty little things. I am in love with them. I like to just drool over them. Ahhh. Plus (in case you are not signed up for the newsletter), that yummy velvet showed up. It’s a good day to be a ribbon lover. 🙂 I’d also like to thank …
Ode to the X-Files
I love the X-files. So I had to get someone else to love it with me and Katie Sciarrino was the perfect candidate. She thought Mulder was hot, check, could handle scary things, check, and she valued my opinion enough to give it a try. Nearly two years ago we decided to watch the whole …
Dear Amber Lee
I have given up trying to influence others on their music choices. I am now going to attempt to influence my future self. Dear Amber Lee _______________________*, I urge you to look deep in your music vault and dig up these “new millennium” songs. You might remember such classic alp songs as Right Where it …
Ceara, Zavian, and Ali
Just some people I saw this weekend. 🙂 I get WAY too excited around babies. Ceara’s super awesome and adorable new nephew is NO exception. See my smile, it’s like OMG you are so cute I almost want to eat you, or steal you. I want one. Sigh. I guess he always has his hands up …
They say they it’s your birthday…
Mai Lian! OMG pretend I spelled your name right, K? Anyways I really don’t belive you are 29 (and I know others are with me on this), but have the bestest day all the same!
The little peeps
In case you didn’t see these sweet little peeps in the Ribbon Jar newsletter, or our ideas page I thought I would share them here. Sara Neuburger makes these over at The Small Object. Here is a direct link to the peeps. I asked her to be a guest designer a couple of months ago …
Love Rj
The promised pictures. I’ve been working on these little guys, collecting jars, scrubing them clean, and putting together cool sets of ribbon. I started on the tags for everything for the show last night. I love the jar tags. Each jar is numbered, and have an old ledger that I keep track of all the …