Hanging out at Bj’s after shopping in P-town with my daddy-o. Man this iSight is cool!
Category Archives: Everything Else
And I was doing so well…
I can’t blame it completely on typepad, but something has been going on, my posts like disappeared, weird. Anyway I think things are back to normal. Back to where I left off: craft day was awesome. I got to see a dear friend, Jenna, plus have fun with Sue, Sciarrino, and my Mom. Sue said …
I love love love my new nativity. When I set it up I felt like a little girl getting out all her dolls. 🙂 The wise men are my favorite: Sciarrino’s mom works for this cute shop in Halfway, Oregon called Quilts Plus and she picked these up for me during their 50% off sale. …
Did you get new bathmats?
Uh, no. I got to Bj’s tonight and went into the bathroom to pee and I was sitting there and I was like, “are these new?” So I yelled “Hey Bj did you get PINK bathmats?” Well, no, but I did a pretty good job dying them don’t think? Hehehehe Must be Karma (as Carson …
Self Portrait
dripping wet + hardwood floor + running around = boo boo
Ripping out seams suckx0rs!!!!
Ode to Elastic
Okay so I’m slightly stressed out. It’s in a good way, but still. Different magazines are wanting images and samples of my ribbon and since it’s perma-fog-low-light-land outside I haven’t been able to get good pictures. It’s very exciting that people even know what the Ribbon Jar is, but really overwhelming too. I just want …
Yum, yum, yum!
I’m working on the December 01 newsletter right now (tried it last night, but had some technical difficulties). Working with all these “new” vintage jars I’ve hunted down has been so much fun. Lots of people have bought them, but I haven’t found a picture of anyone’s jar in their creative space yet. So if …
The Link
Here you go Erin, Click this link and then go to the upper right hand corner and click on Secret Fortunes. I have no idea how this works, seems weird huh? I’ll make sure to take pictures.
December one
OMG this advent thing is going to be too much fun. My mom and I got our gifts and she got gifts for Bill because she thought he wouldn’t get them, but he did, so now we have extras, whoo hoo! Bill won my first gift by answering this question closest (Price is Right rules …