Tagged for the first time

The rules for this particular tagging are as follows: Remove the blog name in the top spot from the following list and bump everyone up one place. Then add yourself to the bottom slot. CourtneyLeahAmyAmberAmber Lee Then you get to select five people to pass the love on to. Luke (hahahhahhaha)Ed (Kay you might want …

It’s raining… rain

Found some good photos, kinda small though: An over view, now while this is flooded Corvallis is kinda an island because there isn’t a bridge across the Willamette for another twenty miles (in Albany), so the back roads are packed with people trying to go around. That golf course is where our (OSU’s) team practice’s, …

Well they didn’t stone me or anything

So the party went pretty well. I got these amazing nylons that you MUST try. They are the best for avoiding VPL (visible panty lines). They’re called Spanx, and they totally rock. They almost rock too much. I got some at the last minuet because they are foot less, and really control toppy. The thing …

“When you’ve given up, given up…”

Mom Jeans. So SNL has a bunch of skits and parodies up on iTunes now and I just had to get this on called Mom Jeans. These are so funny. I got the screen captures while I was playing the video over and over. It’s all sing songy: She’ll love the nine inch zipper and …