To the “golf is not a sport” people:

O.M.G. I am so sore after nine holes it’s frickin’ ridiculous. But to start at the beginning: Thursday we headed down to California, to my dad’s "winter house" in La Quinta. I was down here in October, remember? So of course I waited until the last minuet to pack because I like that whole fear-of-god …


Yes I’m alive. My mom was actually not that upset. She doesn’t want to worry that much about it, and wants the counters to have "character" COOL! Of course she hasn’t seen it yet since it’s covered so… Bj like your bookmark?


I look over and Nick’s putting duct tape on the side of his snow board. "Hey Nick what are you doing?" "I don’t want the snowboard to cut up the trampoline." oh right, duh. Seriously though, how cool does this look?

Take a Walk in Someone Else’s Shoes

The little ones Auntie came and got them today, so I’m officially off child duty for a while. This morning Hogan asked me what school I went to and I said, “I’m all done with school, I’m a grown up now.” And he looked at me like, ya, whatever woman. But I am a grown …