Swap sign-ups are closed. We have 20 super cool people "the elite" signed up and I’m working on match-ups. Just waiting for the last two who signed up to send me back the confirmation e-mails. It’s gonna be sick people, super awesome! Oh my god is this game fun. Of course Brian smoked us all, …
Category Archives: Everything Else
Dude, this rocks. Be Jackson.
Free Association Wednesday
fart I’m immature, what can I say? Just comment on the first thing that came into your head. A story a quote, one word totally unrelated, what ever you like. If you need help …
Happy Things
More happy things, love happy things.1)This seriously cool shirt Bj got me to support Invisible Children. 2)I’m tan. Okay not really, but I look tan because of my new favorite beauty product:Vaseline Healthy Body Glow Daily Replenishing Moisturizer & Touch of Self Tanner (phew long name). I got this at Target because it was the …
Breaking News!!!!
OMG. Look what just happened next to Bj’s car. He "heard a big woosh shound" but didn’t think much of it. Then he went to check the mail and saw this:That is some narly broken tree action. Glad it missed Bj’s car!
How Old Am I?
Okay so I totally dolled myself up today, more make-up than I’ve worn in about a year. What do you think? I think at least 21, and you?
Better Than A Punch
I got it people: Other Person: "You look so young" Me: "Well, you certainly look your age, what is it? 50?" ahhahahhahah. In better news, I got to call the winner of my guess the yardage contest yesterday, Laura. It was so much fun. I told her she won and she was like, NO! And …
The next person I’m punching
Seriously, this can’t be happening to me. I’ve regressed. I mean I might as well give back my college degree because everyone treats me like an a frigin five year old. Okay yes that is an exaggeration, but this whole age thing has gotten out of control. Let me set up a little picture for …
Up to 1 inch
There are some things people born in Oregon just know. If a weatherman says that it may rain up to an inch that basically means it’s going to be raining from when you wake up until when you go to sleep and there will be no good light to take the pictures you need to …
What, are you kidding me?
These are just some totally random things from this past weekend, but I did have some non-yarn related moments so: We went to Arnold Palmer’s restaurant in Palm Springs, it was really cool with a big putting green we sat next to outside, in the perfect weather. We got seated and our waiter brought us …