It’s true, when you pick up two cute little kiddos from daycare, and one of them is still sleepy and lays her cute little head on your shoulder everything just feels better. Plus it’s just plain fun to run around like you’re five. A little dark, but I can’t find any software on this PC …
Category Archives: Everything Else
Side Splitting
I don’t think there is much in the world that feels as good as a great side splitting laugh. One of those soda pop out your nose, get the hiccups, snorting laughs. The uncontrolable ones that you couldn’t stop if you wanted to. Well every once and a while I laugh like that when I …
Does any one own a button maker? Like a really nice one? Anyone want to lead me in any kind of direction here. Is this the kind of thing that is okay to get off eBay? I was thinking something like this, or this set off eBay. And why are these so expensive? Anyone? edited …
Bizzaro Salem
Today was the weirdest day, just plain psycho weird. You know that episode of Seinfeld where Elaine starts hanging out with Bizarro Jerry? Well it was Bizarro Salem today. First of all I spent the night last night up in Portland and as I was driving back into town I see this sign "incident ahead" …
1 wedding and a concert
On Saturday Bj and I went to his friend Salman’s wedding. Well it wasn’t actually a wedding, it was a kind of ceremony for the bride to say goodbye to her family and the families to join (as I understand it). I really had no idea what to expect, I had sought out some help …
Party Time
Tonight we took a break from renovating and headed to a Luau thrown by one of my mom’s girlfriends. It was a blast! Mmmm the food was so good. Check out that fruit, yum, yum, yum! Back to work to work tomorrow.
Two Part Post: Part 1
It’s been a busy couple of days, and I haven’t had time to blog because we’ve had visitors, so when I wasn’t working on the house or doing Ribbon Jar stuff I was hanging out with them. The visitors were Maria and Soren from Denmark. Maria is the sister of an exchange student we had …
Who we were
I pretty much have Michele on the brain (no baby yet!!!) and have been entertaining her by sending emails about this and that. They always end with, "so have you had that baby yet?" Anyway last night I was thinking of something funny to write her and I came up with some Deep Thoughts by …
It’s me… The Baby Stealer.
I admit it. When I see a little baby I want to hold it so so so so so so bad. Maybe my mom can shed a little light on when this started happening, but I remember feeling this way as far back as my memories go. Today was my cousin Jenny’s baby shower. I …
need your confirmation
Hi Cheryl, if you’re out there I need your swap confirmation so I can do match ups, I might have your email wrong so please email me (amberlee23 (at)hotmail (dot) com).