Pax Forest School

Oh the things I have to update you with! I have a few posts in the hopper but I’m going to jump right in with a big one. My mama friends and I are starting a small little part time school! A forest school, a 100% outside in the weather (no matter the weather!) school. Right now we’re meeting two days a week, four hours each day, at a local park that suits our needs (near the water, and a place to make fire!).
Today was the first day.

That’s Tuesday in the brand new rain gear (green jacket). She got a new backpack and pocket knife as well. As an early birthday present we took her to REI and let her pick those two things out. (some of these photo credits go to another mama friend, fyi)

Tuesday using her knife for the first time.

This is a small inlet of the Willamette River. Giving you an idea of where we let the kids wander.

“We should try roasting an apple!”

My friend! Her baby slept through it! Oh they were having a blast in this mud…

As you can see!
I’ve set up a little blog for Pax here, and we have a Facebook page that you can like if you like (ha!).
I should back up a little bit and mention how this all started. In December a friend posted about an outdoor kindergarten program. Another friend and I mentioned that we loved the idea, and had been thinking about it (here is a link to watch a short clip about outdoor kindergarten). We thought we might join with an established center, but decided a more free to play sort of structure was what we wanted. And since we’re homeschoolers we (the parents) really wanted to be involved in all the details. So we jumped in! I’m busy researching insurance, 501 (c) (3) status and a bunch of other things (yurts!). We may not know exactly what we’re doing all the time, but I can say one thing for sure; this might have been the best day of Tuesday’s life, and I love that.
No, excuse me, I have a bit of laundry to do.

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  1. Wow what fun! I’m so impressed with your parenting style and love that you’re not afraid of the elements. Tuesday is sure to be teaching us a thing or two the next time we go camping 😊!

  2. WOW! How awesome that you guys are doing this! The photo of your friend sliding down the hill on her butt with a baby strapped to her…. Amazing! Love it!

  3. I’m so jealous! I am trying to do a forest type school by myself with just my daughter and son. Its hard doing it on my own, it would be great to have the support of other like minded parents. I was wondering what your daughter uses her knife for? I have no problem with it and thought “wow what a great idea and skill!” but honestly I can barely think of a use that I would have for a pocket knife!
    Thanks so much and I look forward to more posts

  4. Tricia,
    My daughter just got her knife and is just learning to use it, so she hasn’t used it a lot. Her friends who have had them a little longer use them for EVERYTHING. Seriously. They cut up an apple, then whittle a stick to roast the apple over the fire. They whittle little toys, wands, spoons, or “arrows”. I pinned this beautiful picture of some whittled objects from another forest school:
    I’m always surprised the creative ways children find to use things! It is hard to do this on your own. I find that my daughter is much more adventurous and creative outdoors when she sees a group of children doing things, especially older children.
    Good luck with your outdoor adventures!

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