Getting ready for our first craft fair

Oh my goodness what have I gotten myself into?!?! Sciarrino and I have been crafting like crazy for weeks getting read for the Albany Town and Country Christmas Bazaar. The show is this weekend! It starts on Friday November 30th and runs through Sunday, December 2nd. We decided to participate on a whim. After all if you ever craft something chances are you’ve had someone tell you, “You should sell that!” Well we will have lots of goodies for sale, including burp rags, onsies, ribbon blankets, snack bags, ombre quilts, flannel wonky star quilts, and other simple baby/toddler quilts. We’ve made cards and crinkly baby toys. We have receiving blankets and even nursing pads. If none of that suits your fancy and you’re in the area we are one of, I believe, 100 vendors. Every item there for sale has to be made by the person tending the booth, so I’m really excited to see what everyone has for sale.
Here is a glimps of our booth, we mocked it up this last weekend.

Pretty much everyone I know and love has helped Sciarrino and I get the booth ready. Bj made these awesome racks:

He used this tutorial. My mother in law has been watching the girls and helping with ironing and sewing. My mom has been sewing and watching the girls. Her and my step dad took Tuesday camping last weekend and she had a blast. Glad she got to do something fun because we have been at home sewing like crazy!
And sweet Bennet helped me by modeling the crinkly toys.

Yum, yum, get it Bennie! I (or maybe my mom…) made lots since they are known around here as “baby crack”

So please come shop! Or at least stop by and say hi! I would love to see you! And I won’t be wearing my glasses (I like to pretend I have perfect vision) so don’t hesitate to come right up and say hey. I’ll have Bennet “I won’t take a bottle if my life depended on it” Garrison with me the whole time 🙂

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  1. Amber, this is so awesome!! Oh, how I wish I lived closer so I could come see you at the craft fair! It looks like you have been busy as a bee! I would love to buy some of your awesome, homemade goodies! Good luck this weekend!

  2. We’ll see you at some point on Saturday! 🙂 I’ll have Annalise with me, and probably Clara because I still can’t manage her alone (the whole “no lifting more than 2 lbs” think).
    We love craft shows and haven’t gone to ANY yet this season!

  3. i absolutely love your goods for the fair! that star quilt is BEAUTIFUL! 🙂 any chance you would set-up an etsy shop to sell your stuff in after the fair? [if there is any left!] the baby crack would be perfect for all of the newbies in my life!

  4. Tried to get the tutorial on the clothes rack and link won’t open.can u help with dimensions

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