Hey, there’s a baby in there!

This weekend we met up with a friend of mine so I could snap a couple of pictures of her boys and give her some pointers along the way. She worked my camera for the first time ( D300 with a my zoom lens ( 24-70 2.8, a heavy combo, but she did great. I started with the camera in my hands and took a few of Tuesday to show her some cool places to get even light (it was surprisingly sunny!). I loved this tunnel.

I’m not going to lie these were completely bribery induced. And she still barely held still. So I decided I would be an easier model to work with.

I helped her with the settings and let her walk around me and see what angles worked better.

My favorite. My friend is really tall, and I was like, dude, use that to your advantage! I’m always placing subjects below me since I’m 5’4″ (on a good day).

Trust me, this was the best of all of us. I’d love to have tried for more but I am kneeling in a ton of mud, Tuesday is so tired and OVER IT. That’s why I always tell clients to book me at the time their kid will be the happiest! One PM is not our happy time! I am so glad to have at least one picture of us together though! I hope I can keep up monthly shots of us, but um, I’m already at the weight I was when I gave birth to Tuesday, oops!

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  1. Aww you look great Amber! I say keep the monthly shots up 🙂
    That tunnel is a great background. Super cute

  2. super cute pics! I am always saying we need more family photos, it looks like you are actually doing something about it! Monthly is a great goal!

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