From the Soup Genius

My mom is a super soup genius. She can make a soup or stew from just about anything random left in the kitchen. And they always turn out fabulous. About ten years ago she made me a binder for Christmas with favorite family recipes, including many soups. I’ve been adding to the binder and recently had to dismantle it to put it back together again as it was stuffed too full. I re-discovered some favorites, one of them I made this weekend: Pot Sticker Soup. My mom gave me permission to share it here.

Pot Sticker Soup (Be creative with this one!)
In large Soup Pan
Sauté Garlic & Ginger in Olive Oil (Always use Olive Oil or Canola Oil… It is best for Lowering Cholesterol)
Add Green Onions, Celery, Carrots, Peppers, Green Cabbage, thinly sliced spinach, mushrooms….
All of the above or some! And any other Veggies you may have in the Refrigerator.
Cover with Chicken Broth… As many cans as it takes! and ONE more.
Homemade Chicken Stock is also wonderful!
Once cooked…
Add Pot Stickers bought at Costco!
There will be a package of sauce with Pot Stickers… Add this to the soup mixture and cook until Pot Stickers are done.
This recipe is rather vague, but Fabulous! YOU can make it up as you go along!
Add a dash of Dried Red Pepper if you want it HOTTER!
That was copied straight from the recipe book she made me. I decided not to add mushrooms, because I just do not like them. And I actually bought the frozen pot stickers at the local grocery store, so there was no sauce packet. We didn’t miss it. The soup was so flavorful and yummy! Figures since it is one of the easiest soups ever. I make much more elaborate ones and get the, “meh” response. This one is a huge hit with Bj. Tuesday picks and chooses her veggies from it, and loves the pot stickers. I think start to finish this comes in around 35-45 minutes, but most of that is chopping up veggies. Oh and I did use some of the carrots that I froze last summer. I had extra from my garden so I cleaned, peeled, and sliced them. I made sure they were dry and froze them just like that, no blanching. So easy, and put them right into this pan frozen. They turned out great, not mushy at all! More food preserve success!

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  1. That looks delicious! Soups are so warm and satisfying. Nice to pass on soup making to the next generation ;). I can remember my Grandma always having a big pan of soup on the stove, and my Mom’s Potato Chowder… Happy memories! Glad you shared this recipe!

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