Halloween (SUGAR!!!!)

This was Tuesday’s first real Halloween. I mean she got it. When I told her earlier in the week that we would go around knock on people’s doors and they would give her candy she said, “WHAT?” It was awesome.

We did a fun craft yesterday I wanted to mention. I cut out pumpkins and face shapes from the silhouette and let her go to town with them:

I was very inspired by this blog post.

Tuesday was very proud of her creations!
Tuesday had been saying she wanted to be “candy” when I asked her earlier in the month. I had no idea what that meant since her idea of candy is a cookie or something. I was changing her into jammies one night and saw the old polka dots pants I had given my god daughter years ago. I searched around and yes, we had a red shirt, so ladybug it was!

The only things I had to buy were a black headband, some pipe cleaners and pom poms (also awesome ribbon from my mom: Lipstick Red Georgette for the “backpack” and Lipstick Red Ribbon with Braided Edge for the shoes). If I had to change anything I would have put the antenna on a hat since it’s so wet and cold here on Halloween (I just carried an umbrella right over her when it was really raining, and she has a double layer of shirts on).

The back was the best part. All I did was paper mache over a balloon, let it dry and pop it. Then I cut the edges clean and painted it. I love how it turned out (in case you’re wondering I went for the Coccinella septempunctata or 7 spot ladybug since they are garden helpers :)).

Tuesday “pick me up please” Garrison was insane trick-or-treating. She walked at least a mile and probably would have gone longer, but the bigger kids were coming out and they sprint up and down staircases. Plus it was pretty cold and got really dark really fast. All in all a great night. I let Tuesday eat whatever candy she wanted, and then the candy fairy came and took the rest of the candy and left a surprise (a great idea I read about on Amanda’s blog).

Papa had to work so she made sure to show him all her scores.
And for nostalgia’s sake: 2009, 2010

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  1. What a fun night! I love Tuesday’s ladybug costume. So adorable! My little one really enjoyed Halloween this year too. This is such a fun age!!

  2. I so love all your crafty ideas! Tuesday is the sweetest ladybug ..her red shoe-laces are the perfect touch! 🙂

  3. Adorable costume! She makes a great lady bug!
    We noticed that there didn’t seem to be as many kids out this year. We stayed out about 2 hours which was about an hour too long for me, but by the 1 hour point we were about a mile away from home, so I didn’t have a choice but to trek all the way back 😉

  4. the ladybug costume turned out great! That is one multi-media costume! She can even use it later for dress up! Awesome! I also love the pumpkin crowns! They look great!

  5. You did such a wonderful job making sure Halloween isn’t about crazy consumerism. I love that you used what you had and made the rest! Nice work. Tutu is just flippin adorable.
    PS pumpkin crowns = genius.

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