Joining in on Amanda’s this moment project. A moment from the last week. A slice of life.
Monthly Archives: October 2011
Bring on the Wonder
The concert I posted about happened last Friday (a nice break from all the canning, ha!). Susan Enan showed up to my house a few house early and we chatted while arranging furniture. It was kind of surreal and very awesome. I’m so happy that she agreed to come play at our house. It was …
Twice as much fun
I have been having so much fun canning lately, but yesterday with my mom it was the best. Not only did we get a serious amount of canning done, but it was so much fun working with her! 1. I brought so much stuff over! We powered through a lot of the goodness from the …
Can’t seem to stop…
Pizza sauce, apple pie filling, mystery canning project for holiday gift giving, dill relish, refrigerator pickle slices, and salsa verde. Also known as: why I don’t have a post up!
You’re invited
A great indie artist, Susan Enan is doing a round the country concert tour in the backyards of her fans and we were chosen to host one! You can view Susan’s site here: And here is a link to her music on iTunes: I found her when one of her songs (Bring on …
The hospapital
You may not have ever noticed a little mark on Tuesday’s right cheek. I guess I was mostly taking pictures of her “good side” with out even realizing it. But when she was about one I noticed the tiniest of little marks. The pediatrician told me it was a “vein thing” and not to worry …
Color sort
Oh goodness do we have a lot to catch up on. Like how Tuesday says, “oh my goodness goodness.” Which is pretty much the cutest. Well almost as cute as her starting many sentences with, “actually…” and the way she says, “sure, sure” (only it comes out like shurre…). So basically I think she’s adorable. …
Hot and steamy
That’s what it’s been like in my kitchen for the past two weeks as I have gone mad with canning and putting away food for the winter. I don’t know exactly what came over me, well there was that one 40 pound box of organic apples at the Saturday market that I just couldn’t pass …