Bring on the Wonder

The concert I posted about happened last Friday (a nice break from all the canning, ha!). Susan Enan showed up to my house a few house early and we chatted while arranging furniture. It was kind of surreal and very awesome. I’m so happy that she agreed to come play at our house. It was such a wonderful evening. Bj was in charge of food and drinks so we had far to much of everything and it was all yummy! I think we had 25 people and Susan relaxed while we ate and talked, then came down for the concert, which we crammed into our basement.

Ok for your photographers, this is with a 35mm lens (on my crop factor camera), so ya, I was sitting this close! She was brilliant of course. She just had her guitar and I loved the simplicity of the music with it. In case you haven’t heard her, go to iTunes and check it out here. Bj and I went back and forth on getting a sitter for Tuesday. Kids were not invited, but I wasn’t sure what to do with mine. We decided a baby sitter probably wouldn’t keep her quite, so she came (with Susan’s ok of course). Luckily she loves music (and totally knows what my death stare means) so she was pretty mellow. Plus my friend’s tweenage daughter was there and Tuesday idolizes her. However at the very end she did get a little bored of sitting still, luckily our friend Luke stepped in.

I was determined to enjoy the concert and not worry about her (grandma was there too after all), and I was able to, I’m so glad!

Some of the group. I know, I know, sorry mom. Everyone told me how much they enjoyed it, and what a cool experience it was. I agree. It was really fun last year in the backyard of someone we didn’t know at all (when she came through Portland), but inside and with so many of our friends it was even better. Bj is on a mission now to find more artists to play here 🙂 And even though Susan ended up spending a couple of nights with us, I only got this one picture under florescent lights!

I’m glad to have it. I wish I had one of her and Tuesday. She was constantly say, “Hey Susan Enan…..” or “Where’s Susan Enan?” Never just Susan, so funny.

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  1. It was lots of fun! I’m glad Clara and I came…Tho I’m not sure I can talk to you anymore since you referred to my little tiny baby girl as a TWEEN. What the heck, she’s only 8! She’s my baby! 😉
    This was a great night, and I’m sorry I didn’t drag Tom along–I think he would have enjoyed it as well.

  2. i’m so glad i was there – she sang beautifully, and i loved listening to her stories in between each song. tuesday did a great job, i think i told her a dozen times how awesome she was during the music. as i was driving home i thought how much my aunt and her daughter (12 years old) would have loved it too. and they live just a mile or two away from you – DUH! i guess next time she plays at your house i’ll have to invite them 😉 thanks again for the great night – and additional thanks to bj for the awesome food!

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