For my muffin

For some reason Bj does not like the word “muffin” so when I call Tuesday my little muffin he cringes. I think it’s sweet though and it still slips out. I just started making her these muffin tray lunches for our out in the yard summer days. I’m sure you’ve seen them before, here’s our take:

Frozen blueberries, carrot sticks, kettle corn, CANDY, a gummy vitamin, “natural” cheetos, pitted cherries, yogurt, cold hotdog, and pasta salad. I was putting everything directly in the pan, but I took some pity on our dishwasher (Bj) since it sits out and coagulates until he finishes work. These silicon liners are much easier to clean. I got them a while ago at Homegoods and have only used them for this type of thing and not actual muffins. This was really too much food (don’t worry I helped her!) so I want to find a little six hole muffin tin that is a little lighter and smaller. I should have known better than to fill this up so full when there was a bulldozer in the neighborhood!

We sat in my neighbor’s yard staring across the street for a nice long while. And Tuesday was not the only kid in the neighborhood enjoying the driveway remodel, they were all out excitedly watching the machines dig and scrape.

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  1. too cute. We recently took our folding lawn chairs and parked ourselves across the street, in the drizzle, for a driveway re-do. Honestly I am not sure who was more excited, my 4 1/2 year old son or me! Fascinating to see how that stuff really happens!

  2. We are also deep in the truck loving phase! Wish we were there! Also one question what did Tuesday eat first? Did she go for the berries or is she like her momma with the candy?

  3. Yum! I want a muffin tin full of goodness! I love to eat little bits of lots of things rather than a whole lot of one thing 🙂

  4. i want a muffin tray of treats! do you think my coworkers would make fun of me if i busted out a muffin tray for lunch? 😉 and angela, me too! moist is the worst. (also: i agree with josh’s word too. ew.)

  5. Probably because “muffin” is referred to as the vagina in some circles. Just saying. How about “button” or “doll” (after all she does resemble the Precious Moments dolls—however, don’t call her precious unless she’s the key to eternal life. My mother called Sarah doll—still does. 🙂

  6. The muffin trays makes me think of bento boxes for some reason..
    The kids loved it when I’d serve a meal or snack that way…I think the outdoor meal idea is good, makes it kind of special 🙂

  7. Great way to keep food from touching 🙂 I will have to try this. William loves eating outdoors,and often likes separate containers for his food. Muffin reminds me of “muffin top” it will be nice when mine is gone- I really cannot blame Hazel anymore.

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