Happy to him!

Yesterday was Bj’s 29th birthday, happy, happy!

I love a stack of presents, don’t you? Too bad I always wait until the last minute to wrap them so we only get to see them for about a day. I am really trying not to buy any more wrapping paper. The black bag has been in rotation for a while (mainly between Sciarrino and I), the white box is a nike box, with a well placed tag, the brown package is a bag from a Studio Calico kit, and the robots are fabric from a blanket I need to make.
Tuesday and I did make cards, but we got distracted by coloring outside and I forgot to take pictures of them.

I can’t blame the outfit on Tuesday today.

I picked up some jeans at a thrift store and they keep falling off her tiny hiney. I remembered these suspenders (flashback!) and put them to actual use.

When kids attack photographers!!!
We went out for Bj’s birthday to a cook in front of you place. Tuesday enjoyed it immensely.

First of all she seems to love Japanese food (thank goodness!) so we knew she’d eat anything, but watching the chef cook was amazing to her.

And when it came time to pay, she helped us out like always.

She is extremely serious about working on receipts… until she gets distracted by waiters…

Ah totally worth it. A great day to celebrate my love!

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  1. Ok, her outfit = hilariously ridiculously cute. And I love all the shots you took at dinner. Makes me feel like I’m there with ya’ll ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. Happy Birthday to your husband. My birthday was May 3rd, so we have been celebrating this week too. Love the photos of Tuesday in her stylish shades.

  3. Happy Birthday Bj! Looks like everyone had a fun time! and love the sunglasses a sad reminder that I cannot find my lovely, paid way to much for, pair…

  4. I think you should share the gift wrapping using all that fun ribbon on “Better with Ribbon” Wednesdays! It’s my favorite use of ribbon! and that skinny favaur is so fun!

  5. happy birthday to bj! looks like you all had a delicious dinner – love that shot of tuesday smiling at the waiters. adorable.
    (p.s. i thought your blue ring broke? glad it’s either fixed, or you found a new one in your size! i love that ring.)

  6. No it is broken, the back is cracked and it’s almost apart, but I figured I’d wear it as long as possible, gotta get my 6 dollars worth ๐Ÿ™‚

  7. I know! I figured you’d catch that Sarah… I put the pin and then realized that was were I was going to put a brad! SO yes, the first layout in I don’t know how long without a brad. But I did use some brads this week on hair clips ๐Ÿ™‚

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