The last Project Modern Challenge for the Modern Quilt guild was a monochromatic challenge. I decided to give it a try because I had a sewing day coming up with the girls… back in January. And I hadn’t touched it since. So a couple of days before the deadline you can guess what I decided …
Monthly Archives: April 2011
A little help from my friends…
So I got a little scrapbooking done. I figured I had better scrap these pictures before Kristen moves to Canada. I would probably not be able to use them because of all the crying 🙁 Friends moving to other time zones, boo!!! This is one of my favorite kind of layouts, very simple and sweet. …
Sweet Tee
Ok, sure that tee on the last post was super cute, but I didn’t make it (I got it here). When Sciarrino told me she needed to know how the Silhouette handled that iron on stuff I got a while back I had to answer sheepishly, “um, I don’t know.” The transfer material was in …
This Moment
Joining in on Amanda’s this moment project. A moment from the last week. A slice of life.
The Cottage Garden – early spring
It really is spring, and I really am starting to love it. Of course it’s mostly been raining, but we go out as much as possible (even in said rain). This weekend though we got a little bit of not-quite-sun-but-not-freezing-and-only-a-little-wet weather that was good to get things started in the yard. The first thing you …
At the table
Tuesday is the slowest eater E.V.E.R. We spend hours at this table. So of course I sit her in the spot with the best light and get out my camera to fiddle around with it while she finishes up. Breakfast = “bbbbbeeee” cereal (signed, she can’t say that word yet). bbbbbeeee = cold cereal. Usually …
This weekend there was an estate sale in my neighborhood. I love estate sales but haven’t been actively seeking them out and I stumbled upon this one as it was closing up Saturday. I know I’ve said this before but estate sales are such an interesting look into a person’s life. I’m sure it’s not …
Sure signs of spring!
For a season that used to be my least favorite, I’m really coming to love spring. I love that all our summer things start up in the spring. Maybe I never realized this before because I was always hibernating my spring away (read—crafting). With Tuesday we like to get out and about. Imagine my joy …
This Moment
Joining in on Amanda’s this moment project. A moment from the last week. A slice of life.