Oh how they grow

I’m revisiting an old knit project today. Probably a good thing since I haven’t finished a new one in months! I’ve been so busy with photography that I haven’t had a chance to go to my favorite local shop and pick up the needles. So do you remember this?

That was taken in August of 2009. 2009!!! She was a wee 8 months old. I wanted to blog about it again because we are still loving this 18 months later!

Peekaboo! Now she wears it more of tunic.

You can get an idea of the length here. Sometimes I put it over jeans. Of course being wool it is nice and warm, but the lack of sleeves make it super easy to play in. And check out how Socks that Rock yarn is wearing! The dress has stayed so nice, hardly any pilling. And I’ll admit it, I machine wash it… and not even on delicate! I always do lay it flat to dry though, I love sock yarn for baby knits! I have another one on the needles now. It’s going to be just a bit wider, and longer (the one above is the 6 month size). Details are on my Ravelry page (it’s a free pattern).
And since who knows when I might bring up knitting again I want to tell you about an another awesome free download. This booklet is one I own a paper copy of and I have made quite a few things out of (this sweater twice, and this one once).

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  1. She is so tiney! I can’t believe she still fits that!!!! Must be nice to have such cute clothes last practically forever. Donovan is already too big to wear a few 12 month clothes!

  2. total agreement with sciarrino – tuesdays pigtails are fabulous 🙂
    love that she can wear that sweater still, it’s beautiful and such a lovely color. and actually, i almost like it better as a tunic than a dress. cute! cute!

  3. I remember when that dress/shirt made it’s way on the blog for the first time! 🙂 So cute that she can still wear it!!
    And seriously…how do you get her to let you put the pigtails in?? Miri throws a fit, it’s like I’m torturing her!!

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