How about a night out?

If you’ve been reading my blog for long you’ve heard me talk about CASA. Well I was introduced via a friend to another organization that helps foster kids. This one aims to reunite siblings for one week in the summer at  a special camp.
Bj and I talked a few years ago about what we were going to “champion” in our lives. There are so many things to get behind, but for me helping foster kids is what I’m drawn to. I hope someday we can be foster parents, but until then I like to help where I can. Camp to Belong has an auction coming up and I donated a package from Life in Color Photography. I’m also going to go and have a date night, which should be pretty fun. The auction is at a winery called Stoller Vineyards. I told the very hardworking volunteer camp director that I would post some info up about it. Here is a an excerpt from a letter they sent out about the auction and camp:

  • We are requesting contributions and donations of goods and services, which can be auctioned at this event to raise funds for this year’s camp.  In recent years, we have been fortunate to receive items from awesome local vineyards; Oregon Artists; NFL Hall of Fame- Dan Fouts; Portland Trailblazers sports memorabilia; Oregon coast hotels; Dining, hotel and recreation packages; well being items, gift cards, jewelry, and more!
  • As a business or an individual, make a huge difference as a sponsor for a sibling group for camp! It costs $ 500.00 per camper to go to camp.  Consider being a corporate or individual sponsor and send a child or a sibling group to attend camp!
  • Consider joining us at this event on April 9, 2011. Come and have great wine, great food, and enjoy shopping at the auction and finding items that are unusual and fun to purchase!

Lots more info on their site: Camp to Belong Northwest. And a few facts from their info sheet: Of the almost 9,000 youth living in foster care in Oregon today, 75% are separated from at least one sibling. 1 out of every 4 youth in foster care in Oregon live away from family. Since 2000 Camp to belong NW has served over 450 Oregon foster care youth. I’m looking forward to visiting camp this summer and meeting the kids while I take sibling portraits and hopefully some fun candids as well.
Hope I see some of you at the auction. If you’re not local Camp to Belong is a national organization (just checked their site they also have camps in Australia), check to see if there is one in your area.

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  1. that makes me really, really sad that most children are separated from a sibling. i had no idea. i’m so proud of you for being a casa volunteer, and for volunteering at camp. those photos will be such treasures for those siblings!

  2. What a great group to help out! Love it!
    (I was trying to figure out what movie Camp to Belong is from–Ocean’s 13….)

  3. I love that scene in the movie- too bad the
    camp didn’t get that check. The kids are going
    to cherish their sibling pictures.

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