That last sunny day

I was far too busy the last really nice warm sunny days of fall to blog about them, so I am now.
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On November 3rd it was sunny and 70 plus out. Yes, November 3rd here in Salem… OREGON, it was 70 plus. It was sunny, and IT WAS NOT RAINING. Crazy really. I have a bunch of what to do with your toddler type of activity books and one of them suggested painting their feet and having them walk around on paper.
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I tired to paint them for her, but I got her cute little, “no” and she took over. I must get this no on video, it’s her second type of no, the first one she only used for a week and it went like this, “noooooooooo-ohhhhh” almost like a question.
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Sciarrino snagged these big pieces of paper for us (a mis-print on the other side) and I thought they would be perfect for custom toddler wrapping paper.
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Who wouldn’t love to get something wrapped up in this loveliness?
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I was reminded of this day today while trashing our dining room with paint, apple halves, crayons and leaves. How much I wish I could let the rain clean that up too!

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  1. So cute!! Miri’s daycare just sent us home little ghosts that they made using her footprints. They did white paint on black and then added googly eyes and a smile. It was very cute!!

  2. I’m so sorry little Tutu got a UTI, that is NO FUN at all. Have experienced that loveliness myself once, ouch.
    I love these pictures of her little toes! Oh baby and toddler toes are soooo adorable!
    My sister is coming to town with her baby for my mom’s wedding Thanksgiving weekend. I am sooooo looking forward to spending some serious baby toe and tummy time!

  3. I didn’t even think to do it myself (I was busy peeling onions to put up), but I think it would be fun. Though it took multiple baths to get the paint off her feet. 🙂 I would dig a present wrapped with paper like this if you try it!

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