I know, I know, I kind of fell off the map there. We have been working so hard on our yard; even recruiting my mother in law to come visit. And by visit we mean put to work! And then it rained, for two days, of course. Busy, busy we have been. In fact now that our yard is coming together more and more (estimated completion date = next weekend for almost everything) I can say I will probably be blogging less in the summer. I want to spend all my time outside, and so does Tuesday!
But I must blog about an exciting event here in the Garrison household from Friday. A long, long time blog friend of mine, Amber came to visit. This is made even more exciting because her and her family live in Germany (but she grew up in Washington) so I never knew if we would meet. Well her family took a road trip south with her mom and on their way back to Washington they stopped here. I was happy to host them for lunch and finally meet the other Amber ๐Ÿ™‚
Just as wonderful as I imagined her to be! And her family even more darling. I mean too cute, right?:
I hear that little ones love Georgia and Tuesday was no exception, she could have watched her all day. Even while she was eating! Tuesday also dove right into the arms of Georgia’s grandma:
She went right over to her and held up her arms to be picked up. I was surprised, even though Tuesday is pretty outgoing, that is unusual. We had a lovely lunch and chit chatty visit. Amber is one of a growing number of online friends I wish lived closer. I would love to hang out and sew with her. Look at this darling shirt she made Tuesday:
AHhhhhh! I love it. I Have to get over my fear of knits! It’s big for Tuesday, which is prefect because I’m sure I can put it on her for a couple of years, like I like to do ๐Ÿ™‚
A great visit, so glad to have met you Amber and family. And in case you were wondering about Sven:
Well it was all too much for Dean to take and he got cute toddler holding duty ๐Ÿ™‚

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  1. That shirt is too cute!
    I am hoping that someday I can be one of those internet friends who (whom?) you meet in real life! ๐Ÿ™‚
    Hope you had a good holiday!

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