The pants problem

So now that Tutu is in “big girl undies” during the day (Bj says we can’t call them panties, in case we ever have a boy, for consistancy’s sake ๐Ÿ™‚ Her small stature is made even smaller! This was no problem when there was a lot of fluff on her little buns, which bulked up her butt. So I took matters into my own hands for Miss Zero Percent and make a couple pairs of pants (using this book as a guide). It really is so easy. And hey even if you mess up it looks cool:
I sewed the sides of the pants together and realized the shirts hem was inside out, but it looks neat (and I didn’t want to pull it out!). A favorite pair of cords wore out at the knees (mine) so I firgured I try the same technique with them:
It worked great! Since you use the hem of the pants that is already there, it looks pretty professional I think. I still have to perfect my pattern (made by tracing another pair of these I made earlier this year) so that there isn’t as much extra fabric in the front, ideas?

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  1. yep, curious about the rug too… annnnd… how’d you get her potty trained? ๐Ÿ™‚ My JJ is close in age and would love to start!

  2. Great pants! Isn’t it strange to see less “junk in the trunk” on those little bodies once they’re diaper-free? What if you try putting the elastic only in the back, so there’s a flat front and not the bunchy elastic look? I found this out through trial and error (okay, mostly error)on my son’s pajama bottoms, and I did it on a skirt for me. I’m just a beginner sewist, so that’s all I got! Have fun experimenting.

  3. That sounds like an awesome idea, I am totally going to try that next time. Do you put something in place of the elastic (like interfacing), or just leave the casing empty?

  4. The Super Crafty Package just’s amazing! I’ll blog and post pics once my oldest returns home with my camera. I’m already percolating some ideas for using some of the scrapping items and my pictures from my garden. The book is also perfect because it’s one of my favorite websites! Thanks!

  5. The rug is Amy Butler:
    I started doing EC (elimination communication) sort of by accident when she was 7 months old. Just putting her on the potty (with an insert to make it smaller) when I thought she had to go. We cloth diaper, so since I was doing laundry I figured switching to undies would not add to the laundry, and make it easier to pull pants down. We had some messy days and I was just matter of fact telling her, “you are peeing, pee pee goes in the potty.” and then changing her immediately (I have been doing that with the cloth diapers, with no cover for a while). I just got this book:
    and I think it has some good info in it, if you haven’t started yet.

  6. I know she’s itty bitty ๐Ÿ™‚ but have you thought to look at the consignment shops for gap slims in toddler sizes? Gap & also cherokee (Target) run really narrow. And even on slims now you often find the cool elastic waist. (Since the popularity of this – I have plopped my boys in size 2t shorts since they were 9mo old…and they can still wear them at age 3. But 6 summers and counting between both boys…I am ready for new duds on them!) 2t and 24 months are usually they same length, but the 2t is slimmer. And often, 3t vs a little kids 3 is the same situation. For what its worth. Kudos on the potty training!

  7. I have to say this made me laugh because all of Miri’s gap clothes are HUGE on her!! How much does Tuesday weigh now?? I think Miri has her beat!

  8. I just left the casing empty. But interfacing is a clever idea. My kids’ pajama pattern calls for making buttonholes in the front before folding over the casing so you can insert a drawstring. That turned out to be a big effort and wasn’t used, so I stopped doing it. Maybe I’ll make some more pants now…you’ve gotten me motivated! I love using my husband’s old shirts for pj’s since they’re worn-out, sometimes flannel, and the boys like that there’s a story in them. Have a great day!

  9. It depends, some of her stuff is 6-12 months, some 12-18, but I’ve put away most of the things that are 6 month and under… except the zutano pants (0-6), which are short, but work, and I was given a lot of pairs of them so I’m using them! I’m trying not to buy anything under 18 month size… no matter how cute!

  10. Her 18 month apointment is coming up… I’ve gotten her on our scale and it reads just over 18 pounds, but I’m not exactly sure. Ya, she’s mini ๐Ÿ™‚

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