Get your photos off that card!

That title is my PSA for today. I never have photos lingering on the memory card of my camera unless it has already been downloaded on the computer, but alas my time to loose a few (luckily not too precious) photos was today. Today was a crazy busy, long day and I started by taking pictures of all the things I was going to blog about. Later Tuesday and I played for over an hour in our muddy muddy yard (good times). Bj took a bunch of photos and went to put them on his computer—poof! They were gone. Not sure why or how, the cards seem to be working fine now. But I know people who have like a years worth of photos on their cards, not backed up, so beware! And download them like it’s hot! I also get prints, like in the stone ages, I do not want to loose my photos. Anyway…I do have some iPhone pictures for you:
From a few days ago. Now the whole yard is getting trenched for sprinklers. The trenches are full of water, so we are a bit behind. It is raining like it’s March, crazy wet. I went with the “if you can’t beat them” mentality today and took Tuesday out in the mud. About 15 minutes in she “got it” and started stomping in puddles and really getting dirt under her nails, so sweet.
Last night we went to meet Sarah and have dinner and sort out the swap stuff.
I’m not sure how else we could have done it, but we sure got ourselves confused! We decided NOT to do it random, but we didn’t want to know who was who so Bj kindly numbered the players for us. Sarah is the designated secret keeper/match send-outer. I think matching like this will make it more fun than just random, because you will at least have one craft in common, usually more. So check your (e)mail boxes!
Ok, hopefully back tomorrow with some actual content… and a little sleep (Tuesday = up before seven, 2 hr nap, sleep at almost 11, NOT COOL!).

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  1. oh we miss that sweet little face! she looks like a great helper! Also, There’s nothing better than not being afraid of getting wet & dirty, and kids are so easy to wash & dry!

  2. that picture makes me laugh 🙂 tuesday and i both have our left arms out (and what is with my two fingers/peace sign action? haha! i must be saying that they had 2 things in common? who knows!).
    maybe a replay of yesterdays mudfest is in order? huge bummer about the photos. i wonder what happened?! sad.
    i hope you all got some good sleep last night!

  3. I got my match too! yay! I have some ideas in the works, and plan on getting started on some of them this weekend–yay for 3 day weekends!!

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