Fill in the Blank

When I was pregnant I thought an easy fill in the blank type of scrapbook was in order. Too bad it took me over a year to get those blanks filled in! I did work on it a little bit, but I pulled out all my prints from her first year to try and fill in the rest of the blanks. I still need to journal a bit, but almost done!
The year in review. Thanks for being born in January Tutu, that made it easy!
The first holidays pages are all similar to this.
And I filled out the first of five birthday pages.
I also put the pictures into the calendar I got and the pre-made baby book.
Both from Hallmark. It feels good to get that stuff mostly done. I think I’ll bring the books up to our bedroom and fill in the details little by little before bed each night. I get too distracted to do that anywhere else. I also did a few just for fun layouts. Well all scrapbooking is for fun, isn’t it?
Using one of the embellishments Sarah and I made, and some other stuff I’ve had out for a while.
I love this one. See that cute little crocheted flower? Sarah’s mom made us those, so sweet.
Hope your weekend was as filled with crafting, or at lease something fun! Don’t forget if you want to sign up for the swap today is the last day.

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  1. That fill in the blank baby book is such a great idea! Too bad I won’t have any more babies to copy it for ๐Ÿ˜‰
    No crafting here, but we had a good busy fun filled weekend. Now finishing it up with 4 hours of lost. lol I’m going to be tired at work tomorrow!!

  2. I really like the monthly photo spread! I should do that for Chloe’s birthday party. Just to display how far she has come! I was just looking at Tuesday’s birth announcement(because it is posted above my desk), and she looks so different than she did when she was first born. She does still have some of the same expressions though! She is still adorable! Sounds like you had a fun weekend! Never watched lost. Guess I will be one of the people lining up to rent all of the seasons at once ๐Ÿ™‚

  3. LOVE your wedding layout. Look at you rocking the mist. It scare me… ๐Ÿ™‚
    I didn’t sign up for the swap…I suppose I *should* have. I just worry my package won’t be cool enough..the one I send, I mean. Not the one I get!!! If you need one more person, let me know. ๐Ÿ™‚

  4. LOVE the pages! look at you scrapping away! and i LOVE that you used the mist – looks SO cool! i really want to get some now. and those embellishments you made look fantastic on the pages! NICE!

  5. I am soooooo impressed you were able to restrict to 1-2 photos in your premade scrapbook. Wow! I would have wanted to put like 20 per page ๐Ÿ™‚
    The swap sounded like so much fun and I really fought myself a battle over it;. Sadly grad school and swaps do not mix, time wise nor money wise. It’s why I had to give up But I will enjoy your photos of it!

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