Christmas for the grandparents – take two

Earlier this year Bj’s parents “cashed in” their photo shoot with Tuesday. Well at the end of last month my mom and step dad did the same thing. We met up outside our beautiful capital in the lovely little grounds that were littered with fluffy pink blossoms. It was brighter than I had anticipated, but I still love the results.
I love taking pictures of Tuesday with all her friends and family. I love taking pictures in general. But it’s interesting taking pictures of my mom. I think because we’re so close she has no problem telling me something she doesn’t like, including her face in some of these. Craziness right? I think she looks gorgeous! She will happily tell you that we often get mistaken for sisters, so she can’t think she looks old. Mom you’re hot! You’re just going to have to deal with your smokin’ self and get some of these blown up for your wall!

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  1. The best part of the photo shoot was spending the time with you & Tuesday. We are so lucky to have such a loving family and you captured that in the photos. Thanks for the kind words, Love Mom

  2. I think your mom looks great and of course little Tuesday is adorable. Bill looks great too and I love how he is coordinated with your mom. These are wonderful photos and your parents are really lucky. All my mom gets are bad snapshots where her eyes are always closed and she has a double chin.

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