Mail that leads to creating

Check it out I made a scrapbook page:
detail (I have started perusing scrapbooking blogs again and it seems everyone does this, no?):
What prompted this creative outlet? I won a contest over on Vee’s blog and got this:
Yum, yum. Which reminded me I did send out the box of Amber:
It had a bunch of stuff I love in it. Some knock knock goodies, scraping stuff, buttons I’ve made, candy, color catchers (best.invention.for the wash.EVER), and some books. Oh and some ribbon of course. In terms of the other mail I was supposed to send out, um.
Well the thank you notes are made…. but not sent, oops.
But I love mail so I’m thinking a couple of things.
1). that I need to send out some of these kits, because they really are awesome and I’ve discounted them and I don’t know why they won’t sell. So maybe a few of you want one and then you can make something awesome with it and I will send out a newsletter and you can blog about it? If you are interested comment and I’ll pick a few of you. The turquoise paper with gold dots and label on the layout above are from the kit. My mom made all these very happy cards from one kit:
2). I think I want to do another crafty swap. Is there interest? You should have a blog and do at least a couple crafty activities I think. If you remember way back to the first one we mostly swapped stuff we had in our stashes, but I think we could add a small dollar amount to fatten up the packages a bit. What do you think?

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  1. yes! I’m in for the swap! I meant to ask about interest on mine when you mentioned it awhile back. sounds fun 🙂
    and that layout is so sweet! love the butterflies and flowers. and of course the precious photo of tutu 🙂

  2. Oh yes – PICK ME PICK ME ! (Use your imagination, I’m raising my hand as high in the air as possible {without coming out of my seat} and waving my hand WILDLY…)
    Those cards your Mom made are so pretty !!

  3. Having bought 2 of those kits I have to chime in and say how awesome they are. WELL WORTH the $12 price tag!
    I have never done a swap, but sounds interesting and fun!!
    My last day at work is March 31st so I will have more time to craft and whatnot staring in April. Woohoo!

  4. What a gorgeous scrapbook page – my second daughter so needs me to get it together and scrap for her. My first child has the best scrapbooks – oops:) I would love to be in any swap you put together – and that box of Amber – omg, Dots.

  5. Egads, I want one of those kits! How did I miss that? Well, if I don’t get one given I’ll have to buy one. I would do a crafty swap, but I don’t blog. I spend too much time reading other blogs and I’m a little shy about my own stuff. 🙂

  6. Hi Amber, I’m not up for a swap right now, and haven’t blogged since my Dad passed away last year, BUT, I have something to send you, can you send me your postage details pretty please??

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