Design Wall – mini

I have been sewing and generally playing with fabric downstairs. It's great fun until Tuesday decides to mix up my design to suit her tastes! I took an extra piece of foam core board and some flannel I had and whipped up this:


Tuesday squeals and runs over to it when she gets downstairs.


It's all very exciting.


I'm excited to use this for the felt letters I thrifted back in the day. Oh wait maybe you shouldn't click that link – unfinished quilt alert!

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  1. She is such a little doll! I watched the little video of her “reading” the other day. I could just eat her up! I love that she helps you with the fabric. too cute.

  2. And they always had them at church! I have memories of Jesus walking with his disciples ๐Ÿ™‚
    I think we have a flannel board, a birthday party maybe? Way too many tiny pieces though…

  3. Awww this is adorable. Like mother, like daughter. How is the fabric sticking to the flannel? I want to make a “pin the hat on the monster” for my daughter’s upcoming birthday. The velcro I have isn’t really sticking to the felt. Suggestions?

  4. Because flannel has a “tooth” to it, it just sticks – nothing needed. Regular, flannel or even deco weight fabric should stick up on it just fine. the only think that won’t is something slippery like plastic. Sounds like cute game – good luck!

  5. Soooo… I can’t use felt? I have a ton of felt and was hoping to use it. I was hoping to make the board and hats out of felt. Will a little bit of flannel on the back of each hat work? Forgive me if I’m being annoying :-/

  6. Felt will stick great, really anything but shiney or slick stuff, you shouldn’t have to back it. You can make the board out of felt – flannel is just a cheaper option. And you’re not annoying at all! ๐Ÿ™‚

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