
I’m working on organizing my new space.
I’m having a slow time of it since someone is not sleeping as of late:
Also her “help” is not always so helpful.

I made a scale drawing of the cabinets and all the things that are going in them before they came (of course). But I got more shelves than I thought and I still need some more containers so that’s slowing me down. But the real problem?
In my bid to be mother of the year I bought the most shiny, fragile and sharp knobs in existence. Two have broken already, one when no one was in the room (what?!?!). They are mercury glass, but still I think if you make knobs out of something that they should be able to handle the pressure of a drawer being pulled open. Le sigh.
I won’t get finished pictures of the space up until after the weekend, as I have the first birthday party to get together. But when I do would you like sources? I’d be happy to list them, but won’t bother if there is no interest. Next post is my 1,000!!!! Crazy! A look back plus a fun giveaway so stay tuned.

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  1. Too bad those are breaking because they are beautiful. I can’t wait to see your new craft area.

  2. I would like to see your list of sources! The organizer in your first picture is adorable! (I guess your little organizer in the second picture is pretty cute, too!)

  3. Shall I hold off on replacing the knob? Thinking about getting a different style? Let me know. Organizing—such fun times!

  4. I read somewhere it is delurking week or something like that…so since I USUALLY lurk via Google Reader, thought I’d comment today. I don’t even know when or how I stumbled on your blog…but it was before you were pregnant even.
    Anyway – on to the blog post. LOVE those knobs! so sad they’re so fragile! And love that Tuesday…what a cutie pie! So jealous of your studio space…and it isn’t even done yet! It will be great.

  5. They are Ikea. They actually don’t go with the bar that I have there, but I didn’t like the system they came with (a white strip thing), so I got these hooks that hold them in place pretty well. It’s working great.

  6. it’s looking great! i can hardly wait to see it all finished! it’s going to be fantastic!
    HUGE bummer about those knobs though – they’re gorgeous!
    and tutu, you’re such a good ‘helper’! 😉

  7. What a fun organizing project! So much potential. I’m also “delurking.” Your blog inspires a manageable and positive perspective, a little lift. Here’s an unsolicited tip that worked for me (okay, not all of the time). In my sewing area, I set aside an accessible shelf filled with project bins that my boys could actually “help” with. They love to string or organize buttons and transfer needles from one cushion to another (they’ve learned to be mostly safe with that). Also, a box of scraps — we can keep it a jumbled mess in a box and that’s okay. I’ve definitely had to do some letting go and let them enjoy craft, too, on their own level. We rotate the contents of the bins. Thanks, and have a good day!

  8. Your space looks amazing and I can’t wait for the big reveal! Happy Birthday to Tuesday!

  9. Yes, a list of sources would be great! I’m hoping not everything is Ikea because I don’t have one any where near me! 🙁

  10. I love them too. They are vintage card catolog pieces. The top one is seperate from the bottom one, they just fit togeher. I get the feeling that they were part of a larger stack. I found them in a junky/weird antique shop in Lafayette, Oregon four years ago.

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